Hi folks
Just an observation about the two types of hidden options
I have a SELECT DYNAMIC field in use.
It pulls in a dynamic value depending on a variable from the url
SELECT access0.title AS text, access0.id AS value FROM #__viewlevels AS access0 INNER JOIN #__cck_store_form_access AS access1 ON access1.id = access0.id INNER JOIN #__cck_store_item_viewlevels AS access2 ON access2.id = access0.id WHERE access1.default = 1 AND access2.cck = 'access' AND access2.org_id = $uri->getInt('org_id')
For some reason, I want to show the title as text, and the id as value for users that have access to see this field, otherwise I could have used a live sql query to get the value.
Now, I want the id (value) to be stored in DB without the user being able to change it in the form.
So I tried Hidden (*)
<input type="hidden" id="profile__access_level_add" name="profile__access_level_add" value="" class="inputbox">
Value is ""
So, I tried Auto - Hidden (*)
<input type="hidden" id="profile__access_level_add" name="profile__access_level_add" value="571" class="inputbox">
EUREKA, I have a value assigned