If you want to use the standard Joomla archive with Seblod articles you will get a problem because all the Seblod syntax will be visible.
In order to remove all the Seblod tags in your archive articles you have to use a template override of the following template: com_content/archive/default_items.php.
Find the line where the introtext is loaded and replace this line with the following code snippet:
$introtext = JHtml::_('string.truncateComplex', $item->introtext, $params->get('introtext_limit'));
$introtext = preg_replace('/::[^>]*::/', '', $introtext);//removing Seblod tags from text
$introtext = str_replace('<br /><p>', '<p>', $introtext);//removing useless br-tags
echo $introtext;
I have tested it with Joomla 3.2 and it works.
Hope this will help you