9 years ago

Dear Sebloders,

I found a possible issue in seb_blog template.

If you change the list template # Columns parameter from 1 to anything else and # Item order parameter from accross to down, you will have an additional [/div] in your code.

I think the following line need to be extend a little bit (/templates/seb_blog/index.php):

if ( ( $items_number_columns_intro == ( $items_per_columns_intro * $row_intro ) - 1 ) && $lrortb_intro == 1 ) {

Unfortunatelly I don't know the "perfect" solution, but the following modification solved my problem:

if ( ( $items_number_columns_intro == ( $items_per_columns_intro * $row_intro ) - 1 ) && $lrortb_intro == 1 && ( $items_number != ( $count - 1 ) ) ) {

Of course, the relevant lines must be modified in Top Block, Middle Block and Bottom Block also.



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