151 Posts
11 years ago


Testing my site on an iphone I realized that the content wich uses left/right or sideA/sideB position is not displayed right, instead of rearranged the positions, the content on the main position shrinks or is not shown at all.

Is there any way to change this?


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106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1


The same here. Has anyone solution of this?


106 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi all

This IS NOT solved, seb_one template IS NOT responsive.

I made it different way. If you need responsive design just use template overrides for positions and make these with bootstrap or uikit.


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

Let's define what responsive is ?

if in your definition responsive means, the design adapt the screen/browser resolution... than seb_one is responsive, coz it using percentage width to adapt screen resolution.

if in your definition responsive means, the use of media_queries in its CSS... than seb_one is not a responsive

If in your definition responsive means, a bootstrap/uikit compatible.. than seb_one is not a responsive...

So what's your definition ?

10 years ago
Level 2
didn't see this post before, so I just checked if my brand new app was responsive or not.  I must say, it isn't and this is a real disapointment.
I define responsive by the fact that a position could move when you adapt the size of screen.
I see this post is old so maybe someone got an answer now.
Regards by 
10 years ago
Level 3
Tout à fait d'accord!
Le responsive est désormais incontournable, avec une page qui s'affiche et s'adapte aussi bien à ma tablette qu'a mon smartphone.
Joomla avec sa version 3 est entré dans l'air du responsive. Ainsi que les templates les plus renommés.
Seblod apparamment pas! Outre sa documentation insuffisante voir souvent quasiment absente!!
Voilà plusieurs jours que je travaille comme un dingue sur un site avec Seblod, pour m'apercevoir que le template Seb-one c'est n'importe quoi sur un smartphone.
Je dois livrer le site demain, et j'avais promis au client qu'il s'afficherait correctement sur son Iphone!
J'ai testé pas mal de CCK (Sobipro, K2, Fabrik) et Seblod me paraissait très prometteur. Malgré sa documentation obsolète ;>)
Quelques nuits blanches en perspective ...

10 years ago
Level 1
For a responsive template all base templates have to be refactored, not only seb_one.
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