32 Posts
10 years ago

PHP : 5.4.29, Joomla! 3.3.0, Seblod: 3.3.5, Template Gantry

Hello everyone,
I have a small problem display when the page loads, my thumbnails instead of well positioned, they overlap. If I reload the page everything is in order. This happens both on desktop, tablet, phone ... Same if I put the base template beez. see attached pdf images.

If someone has an idea. site here

thank you in advance

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi G.Bob,

Do you also get the same results with different browsers?

I went to the site with IE, FF & Chrome and in all cases everything displayed perfectly.  Are the images optimized or is it a site optimization issue?



32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hy Randy

I just try: opera: OK, chrome: NOK, firefox: 1 page OK and 1 other page NOK

It is as if the page load was interrupted abruptly. And I tried elsewhere than at home, the same symptom.

and if I do F5 everything appears....


32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Yes Randy the images are optimized.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Works for me in all browsers. But you do have an error on that page:ReferenceError: JCck is not defined

You need to load Seblod javascript, this is probably due to some setting in Gantry, this tempalte frameworks often try to be too smart and remove scripts that are needed on the page. Could also be a seting in Seblod config, where you can select which css and scripts to include.

32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas

I load javascript Seblod, but it do the same thing. On firefox, Ctrl F5 to clear the cache ... the images overlap. And with the beez template is identical, so it's not a problem with Gantry.

If someone has an idea ...

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Could be an issue with your hosting, e.g. some are using some server lavel caching systems

32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Klas, thanks for your reply

I'll try these settings, but I have the same result with the Beez template.

32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Klas

I found a line of work ... when I look in Firebug, when everything is ok I have a height of 259px, but when the images overlap height is 103 px ... hence the overlap. But how and where this height calculation ??
Screen enclosed Code Capture


32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello everyone 

I searched everywhere but I still have the same random problem.
What I've tried:

  • Gantry or beez template: same
  • loaded CSS and JS in the header: same
  • changed the position: same
  • Firefox, IE, Chrome: same

It can not be a cache issue, because on the first row attached image is ok and the following two bad. 

I no longer have one question, where is calculated that height?

thank you in advance

32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I found a solution to my problem (random). I do not know if it's the best but it works fine. And maybe the way I used this option was not good !! 

In the list, view "list" and options "template" in the top, middle and low blocks, I put the "height of the elements" to "deeper". I have changed to "automatic" and everything now works perfectly.

Thank you to everyone who helped me.

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