82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago

How do I make the photos displayed using the masonry template responsive?  They look OK on laptops, but TERRIBLE on tablets, iPads, and all phones.  They are not even remotely responsive.  Why isn't this template responsive out of the box?  I purchased the template but cannot download it or post this question in the paid forum.

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82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 1

OK.  I guess there is no solution to this issue.  

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

I’ve never used the template... but what is the html output and what is it meant to be?

Have you applied the breakpoints you want ie bs3 = col-sm-6 col-md-4....

82 Posts
Pet Guardian
5 years ago
Level 3

I'm not sure how bs3 = col-sm-6 col-md-4.... applies to the Masonry template.  There isn't anything on the template that refers to those types of options.  You choose image and thumbnail sizes and whether or not the do max fit, shrink, stretch, etc.

What I ended up having to do with the Masonry template is not use thumbnails.  If I tell it to output just the Image and then restrict it to a size that still fits on phones then it is somewhat responsive.  

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 4

Forget the template settings for time being

You want it to he responsive, so what do you want it to respond to? certain breakpoints like the ones mentioned? Then you need to apply it somewhere. 

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