187 Posts
10 years ago


i am using the map template but i would like to know if it was possible to use more than one custom icon.

Can i somehow use different type of icons for different 'articles'?

Lets say for category 1 icon 1 and category 2 icon 2



Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Pathos,

Thank you for your post.

With the " Map" template, you can have a dynamic icon for each article you want diaplay in your map.

In order to do that, you should

  1. click on "list" view in your map template
  2. click on button "Template"
  3. select option "Yes" for "Dynamic Icon" setting

After that, when you click on button "Fields", you can see position "MARKERICON". You should assign a field in this position which contains the path of an icon for an article.

All of this implies that in the content type you use to define content which you want display with the template map, you must have a field to select a specific icon for each article.

I hope i can help you with this short response.


10 years ago
Level 1
187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Mehdi,

thanks for responding. And yes, you helped with your respons. I'm on the right track and got one to work :-)



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi, is it also possible to use different marker for different categories automatically?

Category 1 Marker 1 - Category 2 - Marker 2 and so on.

10 years ago
Level 2


You can do that.
So, in the configuration of the map template you should fill the name of cck field.
That's mean, you need to add in the article you want to display a field which contains the path of marker.
There is different way to do that.

When you finish your search type, let us know.


10 years ago
Level 3

Ok, but i dont like to give the user the right to choose a marker. It should be show if a category is choosen. I have a map found for zoo with an example:

Link to the map

When you scroll into the map, you see different marker by category.

I think it must be have a field in the category to fill with a marker, not a field in the article.

Or is there an other way?

THX for support!

187 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Wuron,

i'm just back from a short holiday so a bit late to react....

i couldn't get that to work directly or smoothly. But i created fields that would be filled wit a marker depending on a category people choose. Its not the most beautiful way, but it works.



9 years ago
Level 2

THX for this idea. I will test it.

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi, now i test the map after buy and it looks good! But now i search your soloution. What kind of field must i use for marker?

I change in list to custom marker and i understand to insert the field in the marker position. But which field type a must use for this?

187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I have used text-fields and filled them with the appropiate path to the icons....

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi, i have now a field text with a link to an icon. But now my item is no more to see in the map.

I use the same field in # markericon in the list. But nothing to see. What can be the problem?

187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Wuron,

can you show us the site? Or you may email me the url if its not yet to be public.

Did you manage to show 1 custom icon? Look at how you did that and then replicate it but with the use of a text-field for the path of the different icons.

9 years ago
Level 1

Now is test it with one custom icon. But it doesnt work too. The link ist www.mydomain.de/images/pin/clock.png

When i use this url i can see the image. But when i use it in the map i cant see a marker.

187 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Wuron,

i cant see the image you uploaded very well... And i guess you don't want to share the link to the website. For my solution, you have to have set dynamic icon to yes. I'm not sure but i thought to see you had Nein...

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi, my site is live and the Seblod is only to see for admin.

I have test the custom icon. In the image you see option custom and the url to the image. I think it should show my custom icon. But it doesn`t work. I think i have a problem with the url. How to set it right? I test with full url to the image and with images/pin/clock.png but nothing work. When i use the full url in the browser i can see the image.

9 years ago
Level 3

Now it test again with images/pin/clock.png and it works!

9 years ago
Level 4

Hi, i have set in map list:

  • custom marker - yes 
  • in field for marker icon my text field with a standard path

In Siteform

  • Marker Textfield is enabled when category location

In the Siteform in Frontend

  • i can see the path

But when i now see to the map, there are no marker.

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