Warp6/Youtheme Master works well with Seblod 3.2.2/Joomla 3.2.1
Now I installed Warp7/Youtheme Master2 but all Seblod lists are cut off on the left by about 4 px. This means that I cannot see the first 1-2 characters at the beginning of each line.
Did anyone experience this? Which remedy can I apply?
Thank you for pointing my nose in the right direction! In the custom.css file of the Yoomaster2 template (extensions>template manager>templates>yoo_master2 - Default files>css>custom.css) I added:
table.zebra {width: 95%; margin-left: 5px;}
For those who're interested, I also have the following statement for fieldx images in the same custom.css which puts them 4px from one another;
div.cck_contents.cck_field_x img {padding: 4px 4px 0px 0px} >>>> will try this, but i think it's the answer to a problem which took my some hours already ! :)
Just a last question : how is it possible to select particular img in a such command ? For exemple, if i wish to select img (3n+1) to apply a padding, and img (3n-1) to apply another padding (for the margins to reach a first and bigger picture, in the article) ?!
Hi Barbatos, I'm very happy this helped you, Obviously this is a global setting for all of the img_x fields throughout the site. Regarding the img (3n+1) and img (3n-1), I unfortunately don't understand the Q. - Maybe there you're one step ahead of me on this. Bernard