10 years ago

Hi there,

I would like to use Seblod on a new Joomla 3.x website, with the Kallyas template.

But for the apps made with Seblod, I would like to use the Conquer template (just for the component views), and especially the UI features (buttons, fields, alerts, notifications, controls, wizards...).

Is this possible to integrate an external HTML template, and use it in Seblod?

If yes, what would be the easiest process for that?

I didn't see anything in the docs regarding this, and I didn't find anything on the forum, but maybe I didn't use the right keywords. So if this question has been posted previously, please excuse me...

Thanks a lot for your answers.


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi JuJ,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forum.

A good place to start is reviewing the articles in the Manuals section. It would also be helpful for you to be familiar with the SEBLOD storage methodology in this tutorial and videos.

With SEBLOD, you create Content Types which are forms for adding / editing / presenting information on a site. An example is a site for an Author of books, where you develop a Book Content Type with fields like Author, Title, Description, Genre, image, where to buy, etc. When the author adds a new book, they are adding a SEBLOD Book Content Type within a Joomla Article.

SEBLOD also uses List & Search type which supports the ability to search and list the fields of the (Book) Content type. These Content Types and List & Search Types are managed in the Apps folder section. The Apps folder can then be exported as package (zip) files and imported into another site.

Within Joomla, you can assign different templates to different menu items and SEBLOD will not care what template it is running on. So, if you want to display one template for editing a content type, and a different on for display you can do that through the menus.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy,

Thanks a lot for your help and detailed answer.

Yes, I love the concept of content types and so on... It seems fit my needs perfectly. I will have to manage discs, songs, lyrics, collections... So I will create some specific content types for all that (and much more!).

My question was more about the look and feel / design. Since my first message, I found the template document. I think this will help me to understand how it works. So, If I understood what I read (I'm french, so maybe I don't understand that as I should), I can create a new template (based on the Seb One, for example), and I can add to it a CSS and JS folders, when I'll be able to paste the different files from the conquer theme. Right? And then, I'll be able to design the fields with the css elements...

Thanks again for your help!

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi JuJ,

The word Template gets confusing because there are many different kinds of templates. In the SEBLOD world, there are templates that control the number of positions with in the content type or provide another layout.

The Content types "live" inside the Joomla Article.  So the site template will dictate the style of the article.  Of course you can create a custom template as described in the link you provided, but that should be used after you have reached the limits of the standard SEBLOD layout.  You can stylize the fields and different positions within your Content Type too.  Within the content type, you can create div fields and then you can add the markup class to the fields.

So there are many ways to solve your problem!

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 4

Thanks a lot, Randy, for your answer.

So, I realize I maybe didn't use the right terms. I mean "Theme" instead of "Template".

I think the difference is that the template will define the positions, and the theme will define the look and feel.

So, starting from this point, I would like to use an external theme, composed of css, and js files. If I look to the screenshot you've posted (by the way, thanks a lot for the time you spend to help me!), the seb_css3 is the css file (I guess), and you call the span9 class in this file. Am I right?

If yes, maybe I can paste the css files in a template, and then call the css class just like you did in the screenhot? The main goal is to have the look and feel of the theme I've bought (Conquer, just have a look to my first post to get the link)? If I am right, how is the best process to achieve this? I imagine that I can:

  1. Copy the seb_one template
  2. Paste it in the same folder of seb_one and change its name and informations in the xml file associated
  3. add my custom css and js files in this new template
  4. call the css class in seblod to have the look and feel desired.

Is this process good? If not, what it should be?

Thanks again for your time and answers.

PS: just another question... the seblod subscriptions talks about access on private forums... Is there any answer time engagment on these forums (for example: a garantee to have an answer in less than xx days) ?

10 years ago
Level 5

Mmmh, sorry for my PS, I had the answer in the FAQ section. ;)

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6

Hi JuJ,

If there are specific css files that you want to access, then all you need to do is add them to the main template file and apply them to your fields.

You can also create your own SEBLOD template - what I would do is look at Minima and use that as a guide. Minima is a simple version of the Seb_one template with a lot less positions.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 7

Hi Randy,

Sorry for this late replay, but the email notification of your answer just went in my spam folder...

Mmmh, ok, so I'll have a look to this. I think I'll use Minima as base and custom it, as I have specific needs for the display.

Thanks again for your help and support.

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