Thanks a lot, Randy, for your answer.
So, I realize I maybe didn't use the right terms. I mean "Theme" instead of "Template".
I think the difference is that the template will define the positions, and the theme will define the look and feel.
So, starting from this point, I would like to use an external theme, composed of css, and js files. If I look to the screenshot you've posted (by the way, thanks a lot for the time you spend to help me!), the seb_css3 is the css file (I guess), and you call the span9 class in this file. Am I right?
If yes, maybe I can paste the css files in a template, and then call the css class just like you did in the screenhot? The main goal is to have the look and feel of the theme I've bought (Conquer, just have a look to my first post to get the link)? If I am right, how is the best process to achieve this? I imagine that I can:
- Copy the seb_one template
- Paste it in the same folder of seb_one and change its name and informations in the xml file associated
- add my custom css and js files in this new template
- call the css class in seblod to have the look and feel desired.
Is this process good? If not, what it should be?
Thanks again for your time and answers.
PS: just another question... the seblod subscriptions talks about access on private forums... Is there any answer time engagment on these forums (for example: a garantee to have an answer in less than xx days) ?