42 Posts
7 years ago


It has been a long long time, really! Nice to meet you again, my friends on SEBLOD!

An old client asked me to update its very old website to last joomla. Obviously this is some  kind of pain for me, updating joomla, the extensions and... God... yeah, Seblod and every content.

With a lot of patience, and with the help of the exporter, I had almost everything in its place.

But... but... though the good old sdsimplesimon template is still working the tpl_basic_list  (for the list) gives me some bad errors, basically it doesn't like these lines

require_once dirname(__FILE__).DS.'config.php';

$cck = CCK_Rendering::getInstance();

Anyway, is there an updated template for the list? I've see something on the extensions, but I just need the "blank structure" where I can call the field and the additionals sql query I putted last time... is there something like that?

Thank you everyone for your attention!



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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Seb list template is the one you are looking for.

42 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Klas!

I'll take a look into it right now,


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