39 Posts
10 years ago
Hi, I have a simple 'go directly to' search form on my website. It's just one dropdown with all article titles in one category. This dropdown shows the articles and the value op these options are the article id's. When this form is submitted it should only show 1 article as a result. But sometimes it shows more articles... How is this possible if only one article id is submitted by this form?

I created a menu item where this search module points to. This is a Seblod list menu item.

Is there also a way to show the article full view in stead of the intro view? So when the user selects a title in the dropdown it goes straight to the details / full page of this article?


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39 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I only had 7 or 8 articles / seblod items. I deleted them and created new ones. Now everything works fine... Must have been a result of the upgrade to the latest Joomla and/or Seblod version. I just hope upgrades won't cause these kinds of problems in the future, when there are a lot more articles...
39 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
While my problem with 'multiple articles' is solved for now, this question remains for me: Is there also a way to show the article full view in stead of the intro view? So when the user selects a title in the dropdown it goes straight to the details / full page of this article?

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi jjnxpct,

In your Search & List Type, which fields are you using in your List?



39 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
My search type has three fields in the form tab: CCK, a dynamic dropdown that shows the article titles (specific category and published) and a submit button. The other tabs (order and listview) are empty. The result - when I select a article in this search field - is shown in the same template I use for the form (intro). This is a template override of content and intro 'mainbody.php' in the seb_one positions. My other searchform is a 'filter' form. Based on the selections in this form a list of articles is shown that have the selected fileds/values. This is also the same layout (intro blogview with readmore link).
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