Faced with the problem - it was necessary to withdraw Seb_table template field with special formatting.
I decided to use the file markup.php who placed in the folder "Fields" of the template.
Wrote a redefinition of the field, but to my surprise, nothing worked ... Tell me, what am I doing wrong?
Here is the text file:
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die;
function cckMarkup_seb_table( $cck, $html, $field, $options )
if ($field->name == 'images') {
$image = array_slice($field->value,0, 5);
foreach ($image as $k => $elem )
$html.='<a href="'. $elem->value .'" target="_blank" type="image" data-mediabox-group="group'. $cck-> id .'"><img src="' . $elem->value . '"></a>';
return $html;