7 Posts
10 years ago


I've made a migration from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.3.3.

I've some native content and some new build with Seblod.

So i downloaded seb_list to make a slide show on a category of article.

I followed this procedure :

  • install seb_list by the normal way
  • create a template by seblod with the right one seb_list
  • create a list with Article Category Id as criteria and seb_list (element / template)
  • create a menu with list and search and the new list previously created

So nothing are displayed in front.

The category contain some natie article and some Seblod article.

Thanks for your answer

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Did you add some fields in the list/item tab? Depending on the setting in the template configuration seb list behaves like a table or a blog, so you either need to put your field in list tab or in item tab.

Also article caegory id needs to match some category that actually has some articles in it, do results dispaly if you use some other template like seb_table ?

7 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2


Yes i did. So I forgot how it's work and I need to review of process in manager template/list and so on.

So for now it's OK.  Thanks for your answer.


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