103 Posts
4 years ago


Since I updated my joomla site  version 3.9.12 and seblod 3.17.5, my seblod search doesn't work correctly : 

it works for some words (formation /  famille / mouvements), but for some other words (synode /  jeunes / chemin), it redirects to my error page :

what happens ? 

thanks for your help !

Get a Book for SEBLOD
4 years ago
Level 1

Hi Osep45,

It's difficult to say something without more informations.

What is the error message that you get?


103 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your answer !

I get no error message, but I am automatically redirected to my error page. Nothing else.... 

If I search the word "synode" : I am redirected to my error page with this URL : 


If I search the word "formation" : it works well : I get the list of results on my search page with this URL : 


where "activite, actualite, agenda" are the content type entered in my CCK search field :

4 years ago
Level 1

Hi Osep45, 

You can use the Debug with " No Search" as Super User. You will see the Query, and then you can try manually this Query on your Phpmyadmin, and find why the Query is not good.


103 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your answer !

I tried it :

search with the word "synode" : doesn't work :

SELECT t0.id AS pid,t0.pk AS pk,t0.pkb AS pkb,t0.parent_id AS parent,t0.author_id AS author,t0.author_session AS author_session,t0.cck AS cck,t0.storage_location AS loc,tt.id AS type_id,tt.alias AS type_alias
FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t1.state = 1
AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18)
AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND t0.cck IN ('activite','actualite','agenda')
AND (((t1.title LIKE '%synode%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%synode%')))
ORDER BY t1.ordering ASC

FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t1.state = 1
AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18)
AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND t0.cck IN ('activite','actualite','agenda')

AND (((t1.title LIKE '%synode%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%synode%')))

search with the word "famille" : OK I get results :

SELECT t0.id AS pid,t0.pk AS pk,t0.pkb AS pkb,t0.parent_id AS parent,t0.author_id AS author,t0.author_session AS author_session,t0.cck AS cck,t0.storage_location AS loc,tt.id AS type_id,tt.alias AS type_alias
FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t1.state = 1
AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18)
AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' )

AND t0.cck IN ('activite','actualite','agenda')
AND (((t1.title LIKE '%famille%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%famille%')))
ORDER BY t1.ordering ASC

FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0
LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk
LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck
WHERE t1.state = 1
AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18)
AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' )
AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' )

AND t0.cck IN ('activite','actualite','agenda')
AND (((t1.title LIKE '%famille%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%famille%')))

I don't find difference between these 2 queries... 

I entered the query with "synode" in phpmyadmin and I get the message : 


Analyse statique :

1 erreurs trouvées lors de l'analyse.

  1. Ce type de clause a été analysé précédemment. (near "SELECT" at position 1084)

Requête SQL : Documentation

SELECT t0.id AS pid,t0.pk AS pk,t0.pkb AS pkb,t0.parent_id AS parent,t0.author_id AS author,t0.author_session AS author_session,t0.cck AS cck,t0.storage_location AS loc,tt.id AS type_id,tt.alias AS type_alias FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0 LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck WHERE t1.state = 1 AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18) AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' ) AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' ) AND t0.cck IN 


AND (((t1.title LIKE '%synode%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%synode%'))) ORDER BY t1.ordering ASC

SELECT COUNT(t0.id) FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0 LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t1.id = t0.pk LEFT JOIN `#__cck_core_types` AS tt ON tt.name = t0.cck WHERE t1.state = 1 AND t1.access IN (1,1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,18) AND ( t1.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_up <= '2019-11-06 12:58' ) AND ( t1.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR t1.publish_down >= '2019-11-06 12:58' ) AND t0.cck IN 


AND (((t1.title LIKE '%synode%')) OR ((t1.metakey LIKE '%synode%')))

MySQL a répondu : Documentation

#1064 - Erreur de syntaxe près de 'SELECT COUNT(t0.id)<br> FROM `#__cck_core` AS t0<br> LEFT JOIN `#__content` AS t1 ON t' à la ligne 13<br>

But I don't see what is wrong ??

thanks for your help !

103 Posts
4 years ago
Level 3

I found the solution !!! 

it was just an error : the webmaster had just unpublished a menu link ! Since I republished this menu link, the search works very well !!

thanks for your help !

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