10 years ago
My search just doesn't work and I can not solve the problem.
I am using Joomla! 3.2.2 and SEBLOD 3.3.1. My template is built on the Twitter Bootstrap Framework v.3.1.1 and I am using the plugin jQuery Easy to load jQuery v.1.11.0 only once.
I am using the standard article search that is pre-installed with SEBLOD. It just works once when the site is loaded. So if you set an override for e.g. the title in the menu item the search works once.
If you want to search in the frontend it does not work. The URL is build properly e.g. "test?cck=article&art_title=test2&art_catid=&button_submit=Suche&boxchecked=0&search=articles&task=search" but the form is always reset to the default values and the search as well.
It changed the template of the search page to protostar or beez3, disabled the jQuery plugin and set the permissions for the public so that the could edit the form but every time it does not work.
What am I doing wrong? Why does it not work?
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Flatstone,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.

What fields do you have for a search form? Is this the tutorial that you have followed?


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