8 years ago

Hello. I am newbie in Seblod and have some problems.

I made new Search form. 



I activated Seblod Search Module ind have this on FrontEnd.


But there is no search button and I have no any results when choose or check something in search module.

What I do wrong?

And more. How can I make "Select simple" for categories? I mean "Select an Option" like here - https://postimg.org/image/f7nxuzvi9/ 

Thank you!

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1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


You need to add the button field to your search - Seblod comes with thise buttons already created...

Use Select Dynamic to pull in a list of categories 

I'm sure a quick look around will find some tuts or examples


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

For the start it is better so use menu link to the Seblod component - search&list type than a module as component has more flexibility and is recommended way to show seblod forms/searches/lists etc. Modules are meant to be used when you need mutiple seblod lists/searchs/forms etc on one site or when seblod is not the main component used (e.g. you can use form module to display contact form on all pages).

Beside search button you can also set some search fields to the filter variation, which means search will be run as soon that search field is changed. Also menu has an option "search on the 1st load" which means that search will be run with default values when user clicks on that menu (or not if you disable it).

8 years ago
Level 1

Thank you all! I'll try )

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