215 Posts
10 years ago

Having an ARRRGH moment here.


J3.3 and S3.3.5

I have created a List and Search of Users with a list -- it works

I am using the bridge plugin -- it works for me (Super User) and an Administrator, ie we can edit users in the front-end

Now, I have some other users that are Staff that should be in their own User Group (not yet tho)


What permissions are required so that Staff could edit the users in the front-end AND NOT be allowed access to the admin interface, ie /administrator ?

What's odd tho, as a test I made one staff member these groups: Author, Editor and Admin yet ... he can not edit users on the front-end ... am I missing something here?

Thx in advance

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7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cubist,

I'm not sure, but after a try I think I've found a solution.

A registered user can't access to the administration interface.

You can create a new user group (for example "registered+") which is the child of the registered user group.

Then, go to the user content type and set access to registered.

You've to be careful and choose that registered users can't create new contents but "registered+" yes.

If you have an other question don't hesitate to ask it.

Good continuation,


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