67 Posts
Mario Adrian
8 years ago


Is it possible to overide the list of seb_masonry list? 

Not the item part [red box] but the overall list [green box]

I've looked this up and found https://www.seblod.com/community/override-masonry-template

however it only describe how to overide the layout of items [red box] 

but not the overall list [green part]

I wanted to add in a {loadposition} and additional script into the list view outside the list

Thank You

*additional question : is it possible to set the number of loaded items on "load more"? for example the intial items loaded are 9 but if user click on the "load more" button then it only loads additional 3 item, not additional 9?

*additional question : is it possible to set the start parameter through menu/list configuration? For example after ordering the articles i want the starting articles to be the 2nd from the list, not the first

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

It is not possible to override a list template. If you need some static text on the list you can add freetext field to the search form.

Load more depends on the limit and pagination settings in the search&list configuration.

67 Posts
Mario Adrian
8 years ago
Level 2


i've added a new question to my original post.

So its not possible to add a loadposition / additional script into the list? I want to add additional script but only in certain list, thats why i want to overide the list part 

Regarding the limit/pagination part, from what i found is that limit field only limits how many of the total items were displayed, pagination field configure the number of items initially loaded

So it is not possible to set the list to load 9 items in the initial load while only 3 items when user clicked "load more"?

Thank You

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

It is only possible to configure how many items are on each page, so if you set pagination t 9 it ill display 9 items and next 9 after loadmore and so on.

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