9 years ago

Good afternoon,

I would like to display articles for one week.

Please review screenshot.

7EUmznB.png (862×593)

Get a Book for SEBLOD
233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I assume you want this on a regular Seblod list... I think it would be easy if there were an option to calculate the date range. Like it was possible in this Seblod v2 live plugin. As far as I can see, there is no date math option in SearchForm -> Button#3 Match. There are only options for "past" and "future" dates. So, no configuration to set a limit or create a maximum future date.

So, it seems you would need custom PHP code or a Variation to manipulate the date in searchForm.

--- EDIT ---

Calendar fields and date math is possible and build-in !!!

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi, pepperstreet

Thank you for reply.

What is the cleanest way to use a custom PHP with SEBLOD considering you would want it to be 'upgratable' and portable as much as possible.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

I guess, the product "Code Pack" is quite save and very cool. Thinking about a purchase ;) 

Not sure about custom "Variations" which can be exported in Seblod -> Templates -> Variations Button in upper right corner. Not clear how to deal with them, except for the ZIP download. They can't be installed separately and usually come with a Seblod template installation.

9 years ago
Level 4

"Code pack" is an interesting plug in and will need some learning on my side. But seems to be a powerful extension. Thanks for tip

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

BTW, what about a module? You might have luck with the J! core module "Articles Category". 

See tab "Filtering Options". Scroll down to bottom and set "Date Filtering" to "Relative Date". Set numeric days accordingly...


9 years ago
Level 2

Hey, pepperstreet

Yes I was looking at this "Article Category" → filtering option → relative date,  as well... while it has similar concept its far less of what I would need. Here is sample system

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

That's a J! 1.7/2.5 site? How are the "news weeks" created and displayed? J! core stuff or something special i.e. overrides, 3rdparty extensions? 

9 years ago
Level 4

Yes site is J1.7 and currently working on j2.5 upgrate.

In Weekly news → Left nav is done with third party component and main content body is overwrites of joomla core.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

I see. Then you might check and rebuild the same overrides, IMHO. Or do you want to get rid of the old setup and solution?

May I ask you what is your task and goals? Do you want to replace and recreate everything with Seblod? Even the events list + booking... (Is it from OSsolution?) 

9 years ago
Level 6

Hi pepperstreet,

Then you might check and rebuild the same overrides → yes that what I have to do, unfortunately. I don't have any other choice

May I ask you what is your task and goals? Do you want to replace and recreate everything with Seblod? Even the events list + booking... (Is it from OSsolution?) 

→ The goal is to find upgatable solution. And something less php intense as I'm not PHP guru. Events + booking are not getting rebuild.

But this advanced custom PHP table is getting rebuild in SEBLOD... ( not so fast as I would like to )

50Bm97a.png (1017×434)

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 7

OT & PS: Just had a quick look on the site and some accessable pages. Seems to have a lot of content, listings and relations. I really wonder that the site runs on J!1.7 (you might remember that looooooong rocky road from 1.5 > 1.6 > 1.7 > 2.5! :( ) I guess, "Drupal" would have been the better and smarter choice for such task. Even an older version ;) 

9 years ago
Level 8

Yes... that exactly the words... long and rocky and trying to get it to J2.5.

Drupal?? Well I will have that coming for the other internal website... and I have no comment at drupal for now... ( that may change in a few month )

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

There is an easier way to do this. Start with this:


  1. So to your search form you will add the "article created" field.
  2. In the live value (button 2) you will set it to default -> -1 week
  3. In the match settings (button 3) you will set it to future (> or =)

And it works. Like magic. But better!

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Many thanks, James! Just got the related tutorial link from "Bes" in another forum topic. Didn't know of these date features and totally missed the tips&tricks tutorial. Opens many possibilities.

233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

BTW, here is another related video about "match" settings! Could not link it with the tutorial reply feature, because the Videos category is not available?! So, here is the direct link:

9 years ago
Level 2

Hey James,

Yes, interesting possibilities with date, 

I will need to experiment with this feature.

Thank you for pointer in the right direction.


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