8 years ago

Sorry for my english... :D

I just want to show articles from my specific categories,
so I create a menu item with Seblod Search & List Type > Articles
but when I visit the menu item, it just show "no results" message
I turn on debug mode, but i have no clue yet.
Help me please...

Here I attach screenshoot of my page

Thnks b4 n after

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Obvioulsy there are no articles with catid 8, if search on category 8 is not intended you need to check live value of category field

8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas !
You're right. I forgot to reset my live value to cat 8 before. Thanks for help.
I have one question then,
Could I set it's live value more than one ?
For example if I want to limit search on cat 8, 9, and cat 10 ?
Is it possible to do with SEBLOD ?
Thnks Klas
Sorry for my english.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Yes, you can enter value like this:


then set Match mode to Any words exact and click on + and set separator to ,

8 years ago
Level 4

Thanks so much again, Klas !
You're awesome
SEBLOD is myfavourit so far
I've been use it for 1 month, and think it gives me more possibility what I can do with it.

Thanks !

8 years ago
Level 4

How to reverse this method ?
I mean if I want to not to list those multivalue ?

16 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

I have the same problem. In Hidden Field (Live Value) I deposited "02,03".
Sorry, nothing is displayed. If I only enter a value it goes. I have it in the menu as well as in Seblod tried the same effect.

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