131 Posts
5 years ago

hi, I got to introduce html code through a form thanks to textarea, and this html appears perfectly embed in the list, but, I want to put this list with all the html adds in a module list, this list is inside a content of article and the module is filter by the current category of the article, but nothing appears in the module, do you know how to make it appear? this html are ads, ads that my users put in the web in their own articles, but are filter based on the category

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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Using list field (not module) you can pass values to the child list from parent, so they can be used for filtering.

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

I need it in module so it can show the and in a content page...what about forms? is there a way to put the ad one time in a form so it can be shown in all contents from the same category? maybe conecting two forms two one content?

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

there most be a way right?

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