31 Posts
9 years ago

Hi, salut.

What I try to do is pretty simple :

While I display a content, I want to display related item(same content type as then main content) with live value like : Different ID, Same category.

Ex : Content type = home design, categories are : kitchen / living room / ....

I'm looking a kitchen content, I wan't to have a list of other "home design" kitchens element.

Different ID, same Catid.

I added a simple php variable to echo the catid in my content template override :

$catid = JRequest::getCmd('catid', ''); 

echo $catid;


With joomla SEF ON, 


=> it works perfectly, and I get my request in my seblod list : .. AND t1.catid LIKE '%...%'


With joomla SEF ON, 


=> CATID isn't transmit at all to the content ... nothing in seblod request neither.


How, why ? Is it the seblod's router which is doing that ? 

I tried with joomla 3.3.6 and the last one, 3.4.4

Any idea ?

Does someone else got this problem ? 

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


I don't have an answer as what you do is beyond what I can do but I saw that JRequest is deprecated, replaced with JInput.... maybe that has something to do with it?





good luck!!

154 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

The latest blog might help you with this :


31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Thx mates !

@Bucklash, yes it is deprecated but still, it can display the catid.

I switched to :

$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $catid = $jinput->get('catid', ''); echo $catid;

Same behavior. Thanks a lot anyaway )



Thanks, but as the manual says, it should be possible to play with the catid livevalue.


The plugin your link brung me to is about making search list inside a searlist and pass live value to the child (which seems to have to be a different content type by this way).


exemple : List of categories [cat1] [cat2] ... and inside each item results, another list with all article in each category 

like tha [cat1{art1}[art5}] [cat2{art2}] [cat3{art3}] ....


What I try to achieve is very simple, and it works ... as long you don't turn the SEBLOD SEF ON.



Here is my demo website where I have the problem and a concret exemple 


In my search settings that will display the items on the right side, I pu :

CCK > on the content type, nothing special


a field that grab live value on ID (of the main content), with "different", so it will displays all the other items that have a different article ID for the same content type .. nothing special, it works perfectly.


a field that grav live value on CATID set to "exact" (on my website, it would be "cuisine", "salon", ... which mean kitchen, living room, etc ...). so it will displays all the other items that have a different article ID for the same content type with the same CATID.


I turn on debug for my test.


> With SEBLOD SEF : Alias (safe)


end of the seblod request that displays my items on the right :

 AND t0.cck = 'realisations' < content type

AND t1.id NOT LIKE '%32%' < live value ID


> With SEBLOD SEF : Joomla Native Behavior


end of the seblod request that displays my items on the right :

AND t0.cck = 'realisations' < content type

AND t1.id NOT LIKE '%32%' < live value ID

AND t1.catid LIKE '%10%' < live value CATID 


As I said, it works only if the SEBLOD SEF is turned of :/ Else it doesn't even try to catch the catid in the request.

I'll make some more test, but I think I did all the tests I can think about.


If somebody have an idea. Thanks again !

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