10 years ago
Hello, need some help. This is what I have done:

  • Created a Category called Bands
  • Created a couple of Articles for with Category set to Bands
  • I have created a Menu Item.
Menu Title=Bands
Menu Item Type=List & Search
Search Type (List)=Bands
  • Created a Forms & Content Type called Band
  • Created a Lists & Search Type called Bands
  • Search Form->CCK Live Value = band

Now when I go to the menu item Bands, it shows just the header and "Message There is no result.". I would expect to see the bands articles.
What did I forgot?
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43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
You need to add at least one field to the Search form.. example name of band.
Plus the search button if needed.
10 years ago
Level 2
When I add field Article Title (Text) to Search Form of Band List & Search Type, then a textbox is added. Im trying to create a list, not a search functionality.
When I go to List tab and click on the "<" icon for Article Title (Text) from the available fields list, then nothing happens. The field does not get added in the Construction for List View. When I drag and drop it to the construction for list view, then it is temporary added, but removed again after I have clicked save button.
43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
When you create a search you need to

1. create the form
2. create the list which outputs the results

It sounds odd that the field would be removed on save. Are you sure the environment is 100% ?
10 years ago
Level 4
What I'm trying to do is creating a list of bands, not a search form for bands.

Under Search Form for Bands List & Search Type, I have two fields:
- CCK (Select - Dynamic). Live value = band.
- Article Title (Text)

Under List I have no fields, and the text "# You can choose to use a List Template by picking one from Template Tab or to leave this view empty." appears. Adding the Article Title (Text) field here doesn't work quite well.I am using Joomla 3.2.1 and Seblod 3.2.2 on xampp.
43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Your list is technically a search.
You dont have to show the search form, but the search still needs to search for something, if there are no fields to search for nothing will show.

As a minimum you should have the title.

Search form field should be
  • CCK
  • Article Title (this will allow search on band name)
Under List
  • You should have Article title
  • add more fields to output as needed
  • Template for list try and choose seb_table
If you dont have a list with fields, your results will never show as this is the front-end view.

Once you see an output, you can then add a link to the article title to show detail view.

Hope this helps.
10 years ago
Level 1
Look at these
(frontend): http://picpaste.com/bands-frontend-SRb1p2fc.png

I have also set List template to table. The List tab as you see has no fields. But as described above, I am for some strange reason not able to add any fields to List view either.
10 years ago
Level 1
I have two List & Search Types: Bands and Records. List & Search Menu Item Records works fine, Bands shows an empty list.

Under List tab, both has "There is no Position available for this view.", and no fields in the Construction.

Under Item tab, both has at least Article Title added to the Construction for Item view.

Any more suggestions?
10 years ago
Level 2
Hello, I understand the different parts of display... upon creating the list and search type I could choose: None | Blog | Layout. I choose Blog.

It was my understanding (even with custom content type created), I could display my content type in blog layout with only intro format like Joomla article, and upon clicking on title, go to the full content type entry. But I was wrong, because it just shows the full entry. And also for me there is no list view to add fields into.

So, if I have to use a table format, how do I change from blog to table? I see no options to change my list & search type???
10 years ago
Level 2
Hello again. Thanks for your reply and sorry for the very late follow up, have been to busy.

In List & Search Type
* Search Form (fields): Article Title (Text), CCK (Select - Dynamic)
* List (Fields): Article Title (Text).
* List (Template): seb_table

Still have an empty result along with the yellow box "Message There is no result."
10 years ago
Level 1
First of all:
The only field that you need to show your items in a list (independend which layout blog,...) is the cck-field pointed to the correct content type. You have to choose this content type in the live value of this cck field.
With this field ALL articles from this content type should be displayed.

If you only want to show specific articles of this content type you have to add another field which includes the limitations (f.e. a dropdown). This is the FILTER to show only items which have a specific value.

If you dont want to add the search form to your site, you have to set a live value (f.e. band) for this field to make the filter working. You also have to set "search on the first load" to the search type.

If you go to the search page only articles which fit the value "band" should be displayed in this case.

Best regards Jürgen
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi and thanks for your reply Jürgen. For now I want to show ALL articles in the content type and NO search form.
  • Under Search Form, I have now only the field "CCK (Select Dynamic)", and it's Live Value is set to "band" (and Live=Default)
  • Under List, I tried to add CCK (Select Dynamic) field, but that didn't change anything.
  • "Search? (on 1st load)" in the Menu Manager is already set to Yes.
  • The frontend still shows an empty list, except for the above mentioned message and the header "Bands".
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Dani,


Have you created a new select dynamic field (cck)? If yes, you have to check if certain parameters are correct setted in under construction at this field

Table field -> #__cck_core_types
Options name -> title
Where -> published=1
Options value -> name


Put match + stage to "exact"

Now you are done with this field

Dont add the cck field to the list - add only the fields which should be visible (fe. title, description, image and so on) - The fields you want to display in the frontend

Now you are ready with the list

I have done a lot of lists with this procedure and they all work fine.

Best regards Jürgen
10 years ago
Level 3
I can suggest you the following:
Can you give me an temporary account to your site with access to edit SEBLOD in the Backend? I will see what I can do. After that you can remove my account.
Send my userdata please to juergen.kern@linznet.at.

10 years ago
Level 4
Thanks a lot for your offer. Unfortunately its only at localhost. I will contact you as soon as I've been able to bring the site online.
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