10 years ago

Hello guys, I need to create a list of users, then what I did was:

I created a new field with a radio button in the values of teacher and student and saved it as json in the user table with the parameter params [profile] with that he saved correctly in the user parameters.

I created a new user list type and chose the type of User content and put the field you created above to be able to filter teachers of students.

The type of content users put the fields that need input in the listing and the others to the contents but I can not get the list of users.

Has anyone experienced this failing to list the users?

Thank you all.

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


JSON storage is the cause of your problems, it is hard to search on json values, not to mention it kills performance. You need to use Standard->user, then you will be able to do searches.

10 years ago
Level 2

I did the tests, I removed the fields and just let the default, and I did not succeed, the search only works when I disable the bridge that creates the items.

If I leave enabled the bridge that creates the articles related to the user unfortunately I have some feedback on my list.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

When bridge is enabled search will only find users that were saved after bridge wqas enabled, perhaps this is your problem?

10 years ago
Level 4

Unfortunately, again unsuccessfully, delete users and signed up again with the bridge enabled and the list unfortunately does not return users.

10 years ago
Level 1

I did a test install a new joomla, new SEBLOD and activated the bridge to create the articles and then created the users to test, and even a new installation with the bridge enabled the user list is not found, I turn now bridge users are usually listed. That would be a possible bug?

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

What kind of fields have you put into search? Does the default users search list work?

10 years ago
Level 3

Sorry I quote your answer and just clicking on the topical solution.

So I just choose the type of user content, to list all users, as I was having problems let the users with the fields content standards and created a standard listing to list all users.

When the bridge is active, the message was not found any content, now turn off the bridge users are usually listed appears.

10 years ago
Level 1

I did a test, I added the "Article Created By" field and put it as the Live user and correspondence to Exact.

When I soon he pulls the logged in user and displays the introduction and link to content exactly as I need.

And the detail is that even with the bridge enabled the return was displayed, which shows that it works.

The question now is why without being logged into the site does not display the list of all users in this way that was displayed when logged in? 

Thank you ...

10 years ago
Level 1

I did another test, and when I take the value "art_id" field "Article Created By" it lists all users, but only when logged in, changed the level of public access to the plugin bridge but he still does not display. Would be some configuration of access level that locks the display of users? Thank you ...

10 years ago
Level 1

Resolved that was it, a permission issue, the plugin created items with access level registered as I need to list all without being registered, changed this and changed public access to the files already created. Thank you all ...

10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Junior

Very interesting to follow

It seems to me, that development with Seblod requires the same amount of attention to detail as coding by hand,
only that it is kind of hidden away by the ease you get used to :)

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