Hi Klas,
I am pasting our emailed conversation here just so that anyone else who encounters this issue has a thread to follow because the issue is
not resolved.
In the email you replied:
I don't get any problems with default template and with removed overrides anyore, 10 department hours show without a problem.
I changed items bellow:
- your group content type object to article, group object must match object set in fields.
- limit set in module to 0 (no limit)
- your groupX field storage to dept_hrs_grpx (there should be no [dept_hrs_grpx] here.
I then replied:
Thanks so much for your time and help. Are you saying that we cannot use the seb_minima template overrides (which was a template you guys created so that we can create clean overrides in the first place) to output list modules beyond a certain limit? That is definitely a problem. Especially because even if you use the default Beez template and the seb_minima template override, the list module still does not output so I don't see how is this problem solved. So it seems that SEBLOD's seb_minima template has issues with outputting the list module. Unfortunately, I need to use a template override so that I can control the output and create additional functionalities SEBLOD will not allow me to do.
Also, I set the Object type to: None because I didn't want users to be able to create additional Department Hrs Group Content Types. The only time that additional Department Hours should be able to be created is when a user is creating or modifying and Location Content Type. So now my understanding of how things work is definitely confused. Or is what I'm requesting not possible?
The point I am trying to get at is that my initial post said that I am having problems using the seb_minima template to output list data beyond a certain limit, how does using a different template solve that problem when I am trying to make sure that my code has as little seblod markup as possible so that I have more control over how things output and we were instructed to use this template for that reason.