11 years ago


When you enable caching in Joomla 3.x configuration search results also cached. That is, regardless of the input values ​​the results will always be the same (that hit the cache after the first page load). Tell me how to get around this problem?

In version 2.x this was not observed.

In Joomla 2.5 + seblod 3.x  this problem does not exist.

P.S. Sorry if I write not correct, I use translator.

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9 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

It's an old topic, but I'm still facing the same problem on a Joomla 3.4.4 and Seblod 3.7.2

If I enable Joomla's cache on the Global Configuration my filtering checkboxes stop working.

I already turned off "Cache (on Search)" and "Cache (on Render)" on the "List and Search Type" configuration.

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