10 years ago


My name is Eric and I am new to Seblod, unfortunately having more issues then I care to admit.  I am using 

Joomla! 3.2.4 Stable and the latest version of Seblod 3.3.5.  I am trying to build a custom search and table view for my App form.

I have added one field to "act" upon for a lookup and a submit button, when I press submit however all I get is an invalid token message.   I am expecting a search results screen as shown in video examples like the following: 


However like I said I just get a Invalid Token message.   

Let me know if I am missing something?  Do I need to add a Token field type to the search list functionality?  

What am I missing.  The videos never mention the security token as being an issue.


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Eric,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.  Glad you are watching the videos!  More documentation can be found in the Manuals section.

Usually if you get an invalid token message, its because you have too many windows open and one of your sessions timed out. Which is reasonable if you are watching videos... Close down your browsers and reopen them and everything should be back to normal.

You can set it to a longer time so Joomla doesn't log you out so quick.

Global Configuration>System>Session Lifetime



10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks I will have to try that tomorrow.  I did logout and log back into the Joomla front-end but that didn't work so I am thinking maybe your option might work.  Will let you know further tomorrow, thanks.

10 years ago
Level 2

This didn't work either unfortunately.  I quite my browser, closed all Joomla related tabs and restarted the front-end.

I am still receiving invalid token error.  I noticed a few things about the form, 

1) It is a GET request, not a POST request.

2) The token is actually stored in a JQuery string: 

jQuery("#seblod_form").append('');  with the token input element named return stored in the append function. The rest of the string was removed for security by the forum.  This hopefully gets appending prior to the POST action if the form was a POST form.

3) The appended token does not get "posted" with the rest of the query string.  


I'm pretty sure this is why it would fail but I am not sure how to convert the form to POST and insure the Joomla.submitbutton action is occuring prior to the post.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Eric,

Please check the System Requirements and verify that PHP is at 5.3.x which is required for SEBLOD 3.x.



10 years ago
Level 4

Ok yes I seem to meet all requirements.  PHP 5.4.10 is running and MySQL 5.5.29 is also running.  

Is there no way to change the POST type of the form?

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5

Hi Eric,

You shouldn't have to do anything with the POST type.

Do you have any cache options enabled?  If so, turn them off and clear the cache. Check the Joomla System Cache Plugin and make sure Use Browser Caching is set to No.

What kind of List are you presenting (Blog/List).  In your search type, what fields are you using in the Search Form and which ones do you have in the List/Item view?



10 years ago
Level 5

I am running Joomla! 3.2.4 Stable, could this be an issue? I noticed on the Fabrik site someone said they weren't supporting Joomla 3.2.4 because of some internal Joomla bug. 

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 6

Hi Eric,

I think having the latest versions are a good idea since they will have the latest security fixes.  Of course upgrades sometimes seem to fix some errors and create new ones :/.

Have you also checked to see in the php settings:

max_file_uploads = 50
max_input_vars = 3000

Are you using any site templates?



10 years ago
Level 7

Ok, well I started over, uninstalled Seblod, deleted all the tables related to Seblod and ensured my settings were correct then re-installed it.  Now the List & Search types for the content type I was creating seem to at least be working.

I still have some permission issues, some of the Menu items in Seblod don't seem to work for the User type, I get a permission denied error.   Otherwise there also doesn't seem to be able to direct a menu item to a specific user profile.  Seblod doesn't have a way to set the ID parameter for the associated link, is there a way to do this, I must be missing something?

Anyhow I got past the first hurdle.  Hard to say if Seblod is going to work for the final results I am looking for but slowly making some progress.


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