10 years ago


As said in title i want to make a list that display only articles created by connected user (the one accessing the list).

In fact my goal is t oallow users (from a group) to manage their own articles so i need to create a list where they see only their own articles (individually, not for all group) and can create, edit, delete, etc ...

How to do that with sebload list ?

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10 years ago
Level 1

Solution (by Klas) :

You can filter any list by setting value of the field on the Search form tab.

If by "connected user" you mean current user, you will need to put "Article created by" field on the Search form and then set its live value (click button 2 on the right side) to User, click on Configure and then enter id as Property. To hide this field from displaying on the site you can put it to Hiden postion bellow.

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