10 years ago


I'm buidling an article list and just want to have buttons to edit or delete article on each lines.

Also a control to change publish status.

And also on top of list a button to create a new article.

How can i do that ?


Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

Ok i found how to do this for edit delete buttons of each line.

But not for a "New article" button ...

143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Net_envie,

Could you tell me where you found how to add this "edit-delete-publish" button ? That will be great ...

10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Stef,

Go to your list

Add icon edit and icon delete to any column

Click at right on 2

In link colum choose form for edit et delete for delete

In typo column use HTML and put an img tag in it (with path to your image in src atr).

That's it !

143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

hi Netenvie,

Merci pour ton aide :-)

BTW, i didn't had to use the HTML img tag as i choose an Icon field. It works ...

Do you confirm ? Maybe did i miss something ....

148 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Might want to open a new topic for this, actually. But here are a couple options (I'm sure there are more):

  1. Get the Free Button plugin and add a field of this type (configured with link to Form of the desired content type) to your search form of the list where you want it displayed
  2. Create a menu item for the desired content type submission form; get the URL; create a Joomla custom HTML module with a button that has a link leading to the aforementioned menu item

Option #1 implementation can be seen here

8 years ago
Level 2

Unfortunately the link 'Option #1 implementation can be seen here' ends in a 404 Not Found target with a request to forward the error to a WebMaster. But this mail-address is in a nonexistent domain and ends as well with an error!

Maybe it's possible to update the link?

Thanks a lot

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