10 years ago

Hi - it is day 1 for Seblod and I, so please bear with me...

I have created a Search/List (screenshot attached). How do I:

1) get rid of the lowercase word 'search' ih the upper left hand corner of the page? No idea where that is coming from or why

2) Hide the Search label (it is required) - for now I just want the list to display

3) Align the clumn headers in the list with the data in the rows

Any help appreciated!

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


for the first one it is hard to tell as your screenshot is really small, I presume it is coming from the menu name, so it would be page title (but not sure, just guessing here)

for 2 you need to put "clear" in the label column.

3 - they should already be aligned, one error that happens sometimes is that users put all fields in the same column in the List view tab

10 years ago
Level 1

Solved 2 of these but the "search" issue persists... cannot use Seblod with this there.... attached are shots showing it and the css. Did a clean Joomla and Seblod install and it still happens when opening any Seblod search.list on the front end (forms are fine). I need this addressed as I am trying to prototype Seblod to replace Fabrik, but cannot with this there.

I grepped the files and from all I can tell it is somehow getting dynamically created, but I cannot find where or how. Please help.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi genyded,

Are you doing anything with an echo statement someplace?

Is there any descriptions that you have in fields?

What fields are you using in your content type?



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi and thanks for all the help! I finally figured this out (at least what was happening), but not really why and I cannot reproduce now. Something was garbling the main site template (protostar) index.php. That was causing the "$task" in calls to echo (good guess Randy!). For some reason it happened on 2 clean installs of Joomla followed by Seblod, but not on 6 clean installs of both after that. All I can guess at this point is maybe bad hard drive sectors or something. 

In any event, it remains a mystery and no longer seems to occur so onward. 

I like the power, flexibility and interfaces of Seblod, but it does seem to add a lot of bloat with the templates and such in all the core Joomla screens in the admin areas.I do realize that integration with the core is by design, but things seem to be getting pretty cluttered and I haven't even done much yet. We'll see how things go for the next few days. Right now I am just trying to make a base CKK (or derivative thereof) decision.

My clients site is a conference management system with a huge requirement list that will require lots of "table" joins so that will weigh high in my decision..

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi genyded,

Glad you solved the issue - well kinda solved it.  

At its core, SEBLOD is more than just a CCK, it is an App developer.  Apps are portable and reusable packages (Extensions) which can be exported from one site and then installed on other websites.

Don't forget to check out the products section.  If you don't like the divs added to your template you can try the minima template for making things more streamlined.  You may also want to take advantage of the additional extra fields to extend the basics - which include some joins etc...



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