7 years ago


I have have purchased the Map Plugin, but I cannnot see the Map. How I can displaye the map? The Api Key was already put in the Template Options.

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

This a link plugin, so you need to apply it a s a link on some other field (e.g. text). It willopen a map when user click on the link.

Did you configure it's options and have you placed it on your content (or search) type?

7 years ago
Level 1

I bought the Google Map plugin. It is a template or? I have add an menu item and the menu item opens the serach & list from google map. But no google map with the location is displayed.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

There is no google map plugin, there is only Google Map LINK plugin, which is for creating links to the map https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/53006

Another options is Map Template, which is list template https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/51 

7 years ago
Level 1

Okay thanks. The map template does not works for me.

Displaying a map with direction is not working...

Thanks for your help.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

This template is list template - it is meant to display search&list type results in the map. So you need a content type to store records with coordinates and seach&list type to show them on a map. Most common error is to forget to add google maps key, if this is your problem you should see an error in javascript console.

If you just need to display one location then you would be better off to use freee text field and put google maps code generated on their site in it.

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