As said in title i want to get a list field value (used in search) and use it in description (and eventually title but i think it is not possible) of my list/search.
You can make "Articles written by" a lsit table header or include a new text field with "Articles written by" as value to the same results column as Bob field
description is output directly in the view, so one way to do it would be to do a output template override ( ) for views/list/default.php template
and chage the aprt where description is output - you could get author
id from search url and then do a query to find users name.
Thx for help. I thought about that but it will override all outputs for this views and this not what i want.
Perhaps i should also clear the description and use a field at top of search and put in it some HTML with my description and some code to get another field value.
But how can i do that in a list field ? I would also really need that to make custom buttons with custom links and add a url var at end of it ...