6 Posts
9 years ago

Hi everybody,

In Seblod, I suppose it is possible, through modules, to display in the same page several 'views' of one list.

A typical case should be a page composed of a Google Map and and table of some data used to display markers in the map.

But I wonder if it is possible to refresh these 2 views (the map one and the list one) with only one filter. 

In other word, if the filter form is composed of a select field, when choosing a value, do the map and the table are refreshing the data they are displaying?

Best regards


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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


single search type can only have a single template, so to get 2 "views" you would need to copy this search type and assign it different template. Then you can show this second search type in a module  In a module you can only show list or search, but not both at the same time so your lsit will always depend on filter values from component (if they are the same), if filter names are not the same (or this does not work as I expect it to work), you can assign live value->variable->(your fitler variable form url) to the search filter you wish to change.

6 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Thank you for your replay.

Best regards


203 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, I try yor suggestion but I it doesn't work. I write to you my try:

1) I create a list with some select fields and it works well;

2) I copied this list in a new search and changed template as seb_map, then I put all field in live> variable> configuration "id";

3) I create a module by extension> module as seblod-list about search (point 2) and I assign a position.

4) I create a field module in my list (point 1) in search form in a position but..... do not work.

Please, give me an help. Where do I wrong ?  

Thank you very much for your sure help.  Louis

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