11 years ago

I have just started to use the field x function and I am struggling to get it to work in my list search...

Currently on the site form I have a simple select (covering different types of policies) for my articles. However, now I would like the user to be able to select more than one of the options from this simple select in the search. I figured that the field x could provide this solution, but I have been unable to make it work...

At this point the storage is the same for both fields and I can select all the options in the search list (via the field x) but its just that nothing happens when I submit the query. Have also tried to play around a bit with the match options without any success.

Would anyone be able to help me? Or is there some description (for dummies) on how to do this elsewhere?

Looking forward to your answer!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Still stuck on this one... any help would be much appreciated...

Please save my day!

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Filip,

If you need to choose more one option in your select simple, use a select multiple no ?


11 years ago
Level 2

The problem is that during the submission I only want the user to be able to chose one option for each article... and then be able to search on several of these options in the search function.

Any ideas how I could solve this?

11 years ago
Level 3

By actually creating a multiple select using the same storage as the simple select i managed to get the effect i wanted... so thanks for giving me the solution ;)

I would however prefer, if possible, prefer to use the Field X, in case anyone may know what I have done wrong?

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi Filip,

Maybe a plugin checkbox with limit the number of box checked ? (I call that "Checkbox Radio" joke for Mehdi :) )

Explain me with more details your needs, for now I didn't saw the use of fieldX maybe I'm wrong.


11 years ago
Level 5

It was more the functionality (or rather the looks) of the Field X that i liked... simply that it allows the user to select / add several search options based on the simple select options. Principally the same as with the "checkbox radio" i guess ;)

How could i get the Field X search to work with the input from my simple select? Have made sure the storage is the same, also tried playing around with the different match options without any success. The last attempt i made was to create two Field X fields, one for the input and one for the search, based on a simple select field. In the search i then linked the "search Field X" to the "input Field X"... if that makes any sense. Didnt work in any case.

Now it all works with my checkboxes... so no worries in case the solution is more complicated than expected.

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

I explain you how to search in fieldx or groupx :

On your search form :

- put the field used by your fieldx (not the fieldx itself) / or put any field present in the groupx

- Number3 (sidebar right) "Correspondance" click the "+" choice your collection type (fieldx / groupx) in the selects.

And now you can search in your FieldX/GroupX


11 years ago
Level 7

Thanks :)

Got it to work...

11 years ago
Level 1


On your search form :

- put the field used by your fieldx (not the fieldx itself) / or put any field present in the groupx

- Number3 (sidebar right) "Correspondance" click the "+" choice your collection type (fieldx / groupx) in the selects.

I do it but I have a problem : the list does not filter.  :-(

is that it works correctly with you ?

Could you read my test article and tell me if the settings are correct, please ? link to my test


(Google translate)

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