10 years ago

Hello! I would like to hear from you so I made some modifications in SEBLOD to meet my needs. The problem was this: when I created a list to research, the results came in a way that did not match my layout. The results came each separated by several divs, one below the other, and I needed to stay beside each other. I looked for solutions SEBLOD own, but not found. So I made the following manner.

In the file: "\templates\seb_blog\index.php" some content was removed leaving more simply.

// -- Initialize
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php';
$cck=CCK_Rendering::getInstance( $this->template );
if ( $cck->initialize() === false ) { return; }
// Params init
$id = $cck->id;
// Params init Leadings 1
$top_display=$cck->getStyleParam( 'top_display', 'renderItem' );
// Set template
$count=count( $items );


<?php foreach ( $items as $item ) {
echo $cck->$top_display($item->pk);

In the file: "\libraries\cck\rendering\variations\seb_css3\seb_css3.php" some divs was removed.

<div id="<?php echo $id; ?>" class="<?php echo $class .' '. $cck->id.'-deepest'; ?>"></div>

In the file: "\templates\seb_one\index.php" some divs was removed

<div id="<?php echo $cck->id; ?>" class="<?php echo $cck->id_class; ?>cck-f100 cck-pad-<?php echo $cck->getStyleParam( 'position_margin', '10' ); ?>"></div>
<div class="cck-line-body"></div>
<div class="cck-plr cck-ptb"></div>

Based on changes made ​​in a template override: "\templates\ seb_one\positions\ [content_search] \item\mainbody.php" adding customization, and gave really sure. There were no breaks layout in other articles and no problem. Just think go there problem when upgrading the SEBLOD because there were modifications in the code. Finally, I would like to know your opinions on the subject. Is there another way without having to modify the code so thoroughly?

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10 years ago
Level 1

There are better ways of doing what you did.

You can use a different template instead of seb_blog Simons SD Simple is great and it's free.

Then, instead of changing core file \libraries\cck\rendering\variations\seb_css3\seb_css3.php you can make a custom variation. In SD Simple template there is a variation "simple" included which strips out all the cck divs. Read more on custom variations here.

This way later you can update SEBLOD without overriding your changes.

Hope this helps


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi gebeer. Before trying these modifications I personally tested all alternative templates. In the case of Simple Simons SD when I install, it does not return any results. Returns only one. In the case of Seb_List, was researching and I think there is no way to override him. Anyway, I found another way to solve it was removing some CSS in the Media folder, and editing the Index of Seb_Blog without directly reach the core SEBLOD. Well, thanks for answering. If you know me explain why Simons SD Simple returns only one result will be very grateful.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hello all,

"Simon SD simple" is not a List & Search template, but it's for intro, content or item view.

In your case, if you really need a custom blog template, i advice you to make a copy of "Seb_blog" and work on it, because on a SEBLOD Update you will loose your modification in seb_blog.



10 years ago
Level 1

Thank you, Lionel, for clarifying this.

From many posts in the old forum and in this forum I can see that there is a demand for a bare bones list template.

It would be much appreciated if you could offer a lightweight list template to SEBLOD users in the download area.



10 years ago
Level 1

I agree, it would be quite interesting a simple version of the list. Well, thanks for the answers, I think I found a solution to my problems.

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