Disable item before render 122 Postsderalex 7 years ago3TopicHi,how can I disable rendering a whole item (not only a field) by using beforrrender field?Alex 4229 PostsKadministrator 7 years ago0Level 1Unfortunately there is no event that would allow manipulation of items list Dantd 6 years ago1Level 1Hello there,Assuming you are trying to not let a item be rendered in a list you could try to use beforerender field and try: if (something){unset($fields);}I did not test it. Maybe It works.Good luck 4229 PostsKadministrator 6 years ago0Level 2He is talking abut items, not fields. You can manipulate fields inside each item, but you can't remove the whole item as there is no event that would fire at the right time.