10 years ago
Hi all and merry christmas,

i search last 2 days in the internet and videotutorials and found not a solution how i do it to see a list of items from a custom table (not article and NOT Joomla core-table but in joomla Database as custom table) in my homepage.
I have a own appfolder create, all new created fields work fine from the area Form & Content Types when i fill in some data in this custom table. But i dont can show anny of this items from my custom table on the homepage from this custom table.

i dont understand, HOW i can set a List for the output of datas/Items and on which page i see the fileds from the content area? Must i set a link in Joomla Main-Menu to visit the output/List of items?

At the Moment i have create a search form on the frontendpage, i see this searchform but nothing of the items from the custom Table. How i must generate a query for a acess to a custom table? I which query i define the path to my custom table?
how i can see the from seblod build sql-query to find the problem?

I don't read about this or see it in a video.

Have anybody a little christmas gift for me? ;-)

Michael from berlin
Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1
some misconfiguration will lost all view and now it works after i delete this unnormal misconfigurations ;-)
Get a Book for SEBLOD