10 years ago

Hi. I followed excellent tutorial Getting Started with Seblod by James Morrell. It was made for v2 but it seems that in v3 some things are changed. After I failed with my own content I followed James instructions to the letter to find out what I did wrong but at the end Seblod list module again does not load any content in the custom module made by module field. It does load name of the Seblod list module in the custom module position  books created with module field in Seblod but not the fields selected in the item view as it does in the v2. For easier understanding if you want to take a look at linked video James loaded book cover in Authors books Seblod list module arround 5.50.

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10 years ago
Level 1

Hi vladar, i´m not sure i understood your issue. Did you set your list&search type with list template and filled the list tab? 

Regards, Elisa

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Elisa. Thanks for the reply. As I said, I followed James tutorial to the letter. Double checked I didn't miss any step but content in newly created seblod module position does not appear. Just the name of the Seblod list module that I assigned to the position I created in Form&Content type with Joomla-Module field. So module field is there but there are no items that suppose to be in it. I also checked the comments on that video tutorial and there are more people with the same problem that are using v3.

Oh, and also, there is a message saying There is no result when the page is loaded.



10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Vladar, 

Is the List Tab filled? Maybe send some screens of your settings. 

10 years ago
Level 4

Here are some screen shoots. If you'd like to take a closer look we can do it via join.me also.


10 years ago
Level 5

What field do you have in the Search tab below the cck field? What´s happening when you remove this one? And Which fields do you have in List Tab?

10 years ago
Level 6

Related article and when I remove it this happens: 


Oops! Template not found.. ; (

In the list view I can not place any field. This is the message:

  • # There is no Position available for this view.
10 years ago
Level 7

Try maybe this:

(It shouldn´t be the issue but it´s worth a try)

Please select List on the left tabs and template on the right tabs and select seb_table to add some fields in the list and try again. You can also add me to skype, maybe we can work this out together.

10 years ago
Level 8

Didn't work.


There is no result.

10 years ago
Level 1

Anybody else please? I'm stuck.

designbengel was great but we haven't found the solution yet.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Did you set Live value on the related article fields as described in the video (Var -> id )? Without live value module has nothing to search on,

 Does a module work if you place it in normal module position (not inside the Seblod but in e.g. right position of your template)? Also you need to make sure you have some field inside Item tab (not lsit as you are using blog template)

10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Octopoos - Klas

Yes. Default Value is set to id, Live value is Variable, Type is Int. I tried normal module position also. It also just shows the name of the List module but no fields that I placed in the Item tab.

10 years ago
Level 4

Hi vladar, please have a look in skype - i sent you some hints...

10 years ago
Level 5

Thank you oh so very very much!

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

I would recommend creating a menu item for the search. It does allow inserting a custom value for the search field in Overrides (Live / Variation).

Another thing with searches is to first of all check if the search returns any results at all, and if it does not, to turn the Debug to Everyone.

P.S. Vladar, javni mi se na email, mislim da će sve ići malo lakše na našem. Imam i jedan probni primer online, pa bi mogli da prođemo sve stavke.

10 years ago
Level 5

Thank you webcastor but designbangel solved this one :):):). Here is the solution for v3:

In related article check storage none

In live value set variable to id and

default value id number of the category

Steps 1 and 3 are different than in v2.

However, there is another problem that I didn't have the time to tinker with yet. It does show related content to the author at the first place, but it also show all other content from that category in the module.

PS webcastor. Ne mogu da te kontaktiram na mail preko linka koji si ostavio. Kontaktiraj ti mene ako možeš jer kao početniku siguran sam da možeš mnogo da mi pomogneš sa samo par rečenica. Imaš moj mail u profilu. Hvala unapred.

175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Kreiraj polje Autor vrste Article(Related) unutar tipa Knjiga

Display (Parent) stavi na Intro

Podesi Storage na posebno polje (recimo autor)

Odaberi kategoriju unutar koje se snima podatak tipa knjiga

Napravi novu List&Search

Dovoljno je da prikažeš recimo samo naslov i sliku korice za svaku pojedinu knjigu (prikaz Item). List ostaje prazno.

Napravi modul Seblod - List. Bilo bi dobro da postoji meni za koji se zna da će se unutar njega prikazati modul "Knjige Autora". U mom slučaju je to - Autori (jer pojedinačni članak o autoru spada u "child" stavke menija koja prikazuje autore). To dodeljuješ u Menu Assignment jezičku. 

U tipu sadržaja napraviš na prikazu Content recimo sledeći sadržaj:

Napomenuo sam ti da ovo napraviš u prikazu Content, jer onda postoji (u mehanizmu url) jedinstveni id na koji se kači i onaj modul (tačnije na osnovu čije vrednosti i prikazuje sadržaj).

Sličan prikaz nije moguć na ovaj način u blog prikazu (recimo Svi Autori), jer onda pretraga ne zna na osnovu čega da izdvoji odgovarajuće stavke.

Moj email je alex.kolman@gmail.com

Ako imaš bilo kakvo dodatno pitanje, slobodno se javi. Izgleda da je tvoja email adresa u profilu isto tako "prikazana" kao i moja :P

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