131 Posts
5 years ago

I have a list called COMICS, this list shows me all subcategories that belon to the parent COMICS, and each element in this list is linked to another search and form called TIRAS, that contains the list of articles of the categories, and it works at this point, but, when I enter to the list TIRAS, it shows me all articles, that exist, not the ones that belong to that specific subcategory, why is that? 

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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

you need to pass it category value, and filter by it in the child list - you can also do it on one page

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

is there a way to do it without the plug? I have no money 

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

or a way to not redirect them to another list and search, but to the common joomla article list

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

is there a way to do it with code or something?

4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Perhaps I misunderstood your question - if you would just like to link to another list filtered by the categroy id, they all you need to do is to:

  • pass a category id value to the link
  • use this id as live value in the category filter
131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

I am going to try that and let you know, in casen case my question was confusing I will explain it simple with images

I have a menu, with an option that says COMICS, witch is the parent category, this sends me to a list, that contains all subcategories that belong to the father COMICS and it looks like this

  and it looks like this, it is ok until this point, in this point, whe I click one of the options that appear, it si suppose to send me to a list that contains the articles that belong to one of the elements of this list , but it shows me this

 or it shows me all articles in existence, not those that belong to the subcategory I just clicked

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

now it shows me the articles, but not the ones of that specific category I just cliked,so it needs to filter the result by cat id,  the code I used to pass the cat id is this "course_id=$cck->getValue('catid')" but I think I did something wrong in it, 

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 3


You gotta show us the good info:

Is the category id in the url.

Are you pulling in the value from the Url correctly, and to the correct field?

Is your first list a list of categories, and your second list a list of articles?

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 4

the first list, is a list of subcategories, the second a list of articles, it shows me articles, what I need now is that list to show me only the articles of the category I just clicked, to filter the result just to the one I clicked, if I clicked a category called BOATS for example, I want the second list to show me only the articles contained in the BOATS category not the others

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 5


Yeah I understand that, but what have you ACTUALLY done.

What query shows in debug?

have you actually got a list of categories and a list of articles, have you actually got the value in the url, have you actually got it applied to the right field etc...

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 6

yes I have a list of categories, yes I have a list of articles, but with no order, and giving the fact that it shows all articles and no specific, I did something wrong, this is what I did

in my category list in the item section I linked the title to a list and search the one that conects to the article list, when I ad in custom variables the code course_id=$cck->getValue('catid') it gives me this

and in the list of article, in the search form section I added category ID, and in the number 2, I set live value to url variable

it shows me all the articles no matter the category, there is something I did wrong in my steps

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 7

Aa suggested in your other post, your system seems messwd up. missing fields etc

You need to sort that out sonehow,

test each list independently, 

use debug from template config, You have to debug your search to check it is searching as you intend

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 8

I don't know how to debug, and I reinstalled seblod, I can't see those fields, it is not searching as I want

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 9

It is on the templates config bit

ie.e Config | Fields | Template

Turn on Debug.

Look at the SQL query.

Make sure you have the correct match settings.

Look at Seblod apps to see how it works, and understand a bit more as you have huge learning curve to navigate.

With DeBug turned on you can experiment with the search form's Match (3) settings

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 10

I will try that tomorrow and let you know, but I think it just need something to filter the result, just that, even if I don't use the code I told you, it shows me the articles, without the message I put in the screenshot, but I think it just needs something to filter results

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

.... but as your seblod seems knackered, I would reinstall seblod - maybe worth opening another question for that

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

one more thing, what does the override to a menu item?, in some posts, like mine, I see they mention the override menu of the list, why?

1283 Posts
5 years ago
Level 3

Maybe this:

Your search form has search fields ie art_id, art_catid, and what ever else you put in there.

In the field you can assign 

- a defaultvalue (not my favourite thing to do) in the field itself

- a live (a very funky thing to do) in the in the search form (2)

In your menu item, or in the search module, you can override these values and assign your own value i.e

override art_catid with 12, or some other number (even if the search form has a live value assigned). This is a funky feature... i.e the same search, but different menu items can point to different categories etc....

131 Posts
5 years ago
Level 4

now that I see it, it was showing me the articles that were in the trash, not the published ones

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