131 Posts
6 years ago

I have a list made with list and search with the childe categories, when I set their link to view, it is suppose to show me the content, in this case, the articles of that child category, but it looks empty even when the link shows it is in the category, how do I make it to show the articles?

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1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


If you have a list of categories and you click view, it will try and show you the view of the category itself.

Need to link it to a menu item or another list and pass the id of the category. There are more ways than that, depends on skill set etc

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

how do I do it? is it necesary to buy the plug in? or there is a way to do it without it?

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

I have used Seblod so long I can't remember which are the free options...

You seen these:





Basically I reckon you would have a menu item of List and Search.

The Search form has catid, with live value set to get 'Url - Variable' and then:

  • type = int
  • variable = catid (or whatever you have called it when passing it to url)
  • default value = your choice if want one
  • Multiple = no (probably for you)
  • Ignore "0/Null" = your choice
  • Encryption = probably none

In the list of categories....

In the List or Item view...

... set option 2 (Link)

and set

Search Type and Menu Item accordingly

In custom variables add


131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

almost working, but not yet, something is missing

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

Have you passed the id of the category to the url


have you set the live value for catid in the search form?

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 6

when I passed the category to url I passed this code 

/course_art_id=$cck->getValue('cat_title')/ and, it shows me the elements of the subcategories that exist, but I want it to show me the just the ones that belong to the subcategory I just cliked

what dos it need? because I know something I did wrong there

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 7


So you want to pass the id of the category to the url, i.e.

  • course_cat_id=$cck->getValue('cat_id');

Then in search form, for the article category Id field have

  • live as url -> variable

Configure it:

  • type => int
  • variable = course_cat_id

Should do it.

That sends the id of the current category to the url.

The search form picks it up and applies it as live value

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 8

let me show you with screenshots,sorry if it looks too long,  this one is the list of category, is the list of the parent category called COMICS, and shows the sub categories


this one is the list view of the COMIC list, the title is set to list and search


and this is what is has inside the configuration, the menu is set to amenu tha has the list and search that conects to articles, called TIRAS, that has the articles that belong to the children categories

and it looks like this, those are the sub categories listed and the idea is that, if I click one, it will send me to a list of the articles that belong to that child specific

but, this is the list that contains the articles, it is called TIRAS

this is the config. in the variable link

but this is what it shows me, nothing

so that is my problem, and it is taking time from me

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 9


First, you have a different Field to the one I use.

I think you are meant to use "CCK Core" rather than "Core Content Type", they are different.

And I think then that you might have applied the live -> url -> variable to the incorrect field. Is it applied to the "Article Category ID" field?

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 10

I can't see CCK core, but I see core id, and I can't see article category id, but, I can create them if I know the configuration, can you tell me please the config. of cck core, and article category id? that way I can create the fields and test it

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 11

I reckon your setup is knackered.

If you do not have fields that are ‘core’ i.e installed with seblod then you are in a dark place.

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 12

and where do I get that?, there are core fields, but none says CCK CORE, so how do I get it

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 13

Maybe reinstall Seblod.

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