10 years ago


I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this issue, but feel free to move me if you need to. I stumbled across Seblod by accident and I'm so grateful that I did. It's incredible, especially for open source cck. Thanks for doing all that you do! If I can further impose, I am running into a conundrum, two of them actually. I'm creating a fanfiction forum in joomla. If you're not familiar with what that is, it's a fanbase community writing to extend their favorite fictional storylines. It's mult-user submission as well as multi-part stories (i.e. chapters in a series or book). I used Seblod to set up my article form and it submits perfectly to the custom output I've set up. But, I need two things that even after extensive trial and error and online research, I can't seem to figure out:

1) I have a single select dropdown box on my submission form that queries already submitted series titles so that users won't duplicate series titles. How do I limit the information in this dropdown so that the current user can only see items that they have created?

2) Is there a way to display a set of links for all series (not articles) created by an author and have it automatically update and post to the article page with each new submission?

Any help would be amazing. Thank you again for making and supporting this community with your ingenuity. 

Best Regards,


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Merkin,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums!  Have a look at the manuals section if you haven't done so...its a good place to get started.

1. Are you using a Select dynamic field for the list of titles?

2.  Do you mean Series Titles?  You can create a Search and List type that will list out all of the titles for a Content type.  Then using the Typo (option #2) you can select the view which will create a link to the article.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy,

Thanks for getting back to me. 

1) Yes, I have a dynamic selection box that queries SQL for the current list. The code I'm using is basic and is as follows:

SELECT series_title AS text, series_title AS value FROM vqi_cck_store_form_fic_submission WHERE series_title IS NOT NULL AND series_title !=" " ORDER BY series_title ASC

What I need is to limit this further to just those titles that the currently logged in author submitted previously. I have been working on it, and finally found a way to gather the current user's id through the joomla jquery and adding that to a seblod field called current_user. So, that's populating in my sql now with the user id for comparison. I'm still at a loss, though I keep trying to figure it out.

2) I have created a search list type, and it works well to show all, but I was hoping to show only those titles belonging to the currently viewed series. Also, the title list query sees integers as text so sorts it incorrectly. If you have chapters 1,2, and 12, the sort sees the correct order as 1, 12, and then 2.

Again, thanks so much for responding. I'm having a look at your link now.



10 years ago
Level 3

I just looked at your link and yes, I've been through it several times. I've scoured the internet for tutorials, relevant blog topics, and information for two weeks now. And while they've helped in other areas tremendously, I'm still failing at these more complicated needs. Again, thanks so much for responding.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


for your second question, if current viewed series is also a parameter in the url, you can use that value as live value in the search type 

for first one - I'm not sure that is supported, what you would need is query with dynamic value, you would probably need some custom coding for that.

10 years ago
Level 4

Sorry for the delay in response. I've tried multiple items, including dynamic cascade. It almost works, but I don't know how to do a select distinct clause that uses the first criteria, so everything shows up in the list multiple times. I tried to do a free form query, but it doesn't work. I noticed that I had to set the parent by the first select, but doing so only gives a sql error. I have given up on this as I've spent nearly two months trying to find a way. Thanks for your help, but now I'm experiencing another issue that takes precedence. The article fulltext field is emptying upon post. I have not put a condition on it to do so, and therefore, I'm creating another help thread. Thanks again.

215 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I think the only way to support the content viewing option: "show me only my content" for a particular category under most if not all circumstances is to use the ACL Manager, http://www.aclmanager.net.

I had this same problem when a registered user needed to view the content they just submitted and print it. Well to do that, you need a menu item (free of modules). Then I needed to hide the menu item from any viewer AND check if they if they landed there with a view=category mode.

Seblod does let you submit content to a menu item. I suppose a better solution is IF Seblod let me deliver content and then land on a search type == to the most recent content item id.

You can easily check the User Group ID with this code added to the template:

$user = JFactory::getUser();
 $groups = $user->get('groups');

if (is_array($groups)) {
    foreach($groups as $group) {
        //echo "<p>You're group ID is:" . $group . "</p>";
 } }

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

You can put author field in the search type, then set it to live value of User->id, this will get you only current users articles. 

And please don't hijack 5 mont old topics on forum.

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