- Global configuration > SEBLOD > Language > JText > yes
Great practice to use uppercase for custom translated.
It works if labels are in lower case but the override variables always need to be uppercase even if your label is lowercase.
Label email in lowercase would still be COM_CCK_EMAIL="Your email".
If there's no label then title will be used instead, you can't use non english letters or special characters except space in label or title (the one that will be used for an language override, you could add an correct label to an title with non english letters but it's still best to only use english alphabet and numbers) if you want to override (translate) the string.
If you use title and add an label then the translation will stop working unless the new label is already translated, also remember that admin, site, intro and content can use different labels and changing only the one in the view your working in will lead to that another view will still use the same label as before and not the "new" label.
If that wasn't enough there are different overrides for the backend and frontend, so good structure of your translation work will pay in the end.
I will try the uppercase practice on custom translated strings because then i get a better overlook on which feilds use custom translation.
Thanks for the tip Jürgen.