10 years ago
can you help me how to translate fields in seblod from a language to another language?
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43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
There is an option in the setup to use Language strings. Take a look at config or options.
When you use this, strings will be created for the field names/label, that can be used on backend and frontend.
You will then use the language manager overrides to manage this.
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for your answer!
I've a website and I want to make it in two languages. I've created several fields in a language with seblod. Now I want when site visitors click on another language (second language), these fields be translated into this language...
Example: Name: automjete "is a field with label Name"
When visitors select second language it must be translate into Nome: automjete "label must be translate"
This is a problem for me and I do not know how to solve... :/
10 years ago
Level 3
I have the same question, I'm insterested in a double language website rather than translating seblod as of yet... How does one go? Double work creating same entries in one language and going over again for the other language? (admins, maybe split the topic as one question is about seblod's interface translation an the other is for dual language website)
43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
You would still need to duplicate all elements on the website. ie menus, module names, articles etc etc
10 years ago
Level 1
Hey guys,
first you should read up on how to setup a multilingual site with Joomla.

Next step is the multilingual setup in SEBLOD. trip already pointed out how to do that. Here in a more detail:
Go to SEBLOD Options.
There in Language tab set "JText" to yes.
Now when you create a new field, for example my_field and leave the label empty, SEBLOD will name the label something like COM_CCK_MY_FIELD.
Now in your Joomla installation's language/overrides folder you create an override file for your language. For German that would be de-DE.override.ini. Inside that file you create a line:
COM_CCK_MY_FIELD="My field Lable";
Do the same for your other language(s).

You could also use the Joomla Adminsitration: Extensions->Language Manager->Overrides and create your overrides there.

Now SEBLOD will take the translations for the labels depending on the language in the Frontend.

To make your Input forms save your fields for different languages, you would need to include the field "Article Language" in your content type form. As an example take a look at the standard "Article" content type.

When adding/editing content you can now choose a language and your inputs will get saved for that language.

There is some further reading here and here and here. A Google search for "seblod multilanguage form" could have taken you there.

The rest you will have to figure out yourself, I guess. Documentation and support for SEBLOD is still far from good. If you have further questions you can always try to post them here. If your lucky you will even get an answer. (Not that I'm being sarcastic or frustrated about the support situation myself ;-) )
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Dear Gebeer, about multilanguages site I have a problem. Overrides does not work.

I have 2 sites: 1- try site and 2- production site.

1- Try site all right, system take label from overrides.

2- Production site, with the same options and setupa and versions for seblod and joomla, does not work.

Why ? I worked hard to do this site and now that I need to translate it in another language I have a problem with difficult solution.

Please, see you help me. Many thanks, Louis

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