Hello Spanish Community,
I have downloaded the last Seblod Spanish translation and noted some issues (probably made by me) that need me modified, with few examples as follows:
Change KCC by CCK - The accronym is known by everyone.
delete word Administrator from the Control Panel.- It is unnecessary and uses space.
In Form & Content Type Manager
In creating forms or editing: "Forma de Administración" should be simplified to "Admin"; "Sitio web" to only "Site" "Plantilla" to "Plantillas"
Editing a form:
"Por defecto" change to "Predeterminado" - It seems to me a better translation that may be applied elsewhere.
"Minlongitud" to "Longitud Min" : "Maxlongitud" to "Longitud Max"
In Storage: (this is a big one):
In the dropbox in Formato/Objeto "Acostumbrado" to "Usuario"
I suppose that only collaborators with role of "revisar" may proceed with changes. I will be happy to help with translations that seem not clear, or don´t fit on windows to propose the modifications to translation.
best regards,