11 years ago

SEBLOD CCK version 3 language files require your help be fully translated!
You can translate online, as is, just use your browser! Join in, even if you just have time to translate a single line!
Enter here to translate with Transifex at

Seblod CCK localization - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK/

Regarding the Translation project at transifex
The translation project contains 26 languages now. 10 languages are more then 50% done, 5 of them are almost 100%.


  • - If you have new translations send it to me (or a shared link)  so I can upload them all at one
  • - If your language isn't present then request it at Transifex project page (choose your xx-XX lang code type)



How to translate online?

2- How to download?

  1. Use Transifex client and start a local Transifex project - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla/transifex-tutorials/start-local-project
  2. Use the special Transifex config file for Seblod - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla/joomla-projects/tx-customized-config-download/seblodcck
  3. Downloading files with .TX client - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla/transifex-tutorials/downloading-files-with-tx-client

or use a Language autopack (see #3 )

3- Install languages?

Install language pack like any other Joomla extension.

Download: Language packs http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck


To know more about using Transifex see here:
Keep Calm and Translate Joomla - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla

Seblod CCK localization - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK/

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11 years ago
Level 1

Paulo, já me adicionei.

11 years ago
Level 1


Thanks a lot Horus68.

We must build a special page for the translation and transifex.

I will contact you on Skype.

Best Regards.

11 years ago
Level 2

I hope you will implement the language autopacking for Seblod (and it will just require a joomla extension on your server)
See: Translation Auto-packing - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla/transifex-for-developers/translation-autopacks

Also a landing page for translators on Seblod site would be perfect!
See this for ideas: Contributing to Translations - http://stackideas.com/contributing.html

11 years ago
Level 1


theTransifex project is great.

However, I wasn't able to find the already translated files provided as a package for installation in SEBLOD V3.

I would have loved to contribute to the translation via the Transifex website, but my language (German) has already been fully translated :-)

Now all I need is a .zip file of the translations for installation in SEBLOD.

I know that I could download the files through the Transifex client. But I'm on a Linux Debian box and the Transifex client is not available as .deb package.

Will the languages that are 100% translated be available through the download section of SEBLOD V3 website?



11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Gerhard,

at the old forums were some uploads and discussions on that - I did check the files and uploaded them to Seblod 3 de-DE @ PCo

I will control all transifex files soon and actualize them if necessary.

Best, Pierre. And thanks for all the help on this translation :)

11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Pierre,

thank you so much for the link.

As I said, I would have loved to contribute. But my language was already fully translated.

So the thankyou goes out to the other translators :-)

Maybe I can contribute to future translations.



11 years ago
Level 1

I managed to build a Finnish package with CTransifex by removing all the other lang maps, but the package only contained a folder for frontend. Is the build process broken?

11 years ago
Level 2
548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi horus68, 

in first many thanks for your great work, then, please, Why not simply add a "point 3: How to install" ? In this way the translation "Guide" would be yet complete :D

11 years ago
Level 2

@ joomleb: the point 3 was not created because several things should be done and I'm just a translator for my language!

Point 3 - How to install:

=> Option A- The lonely users way: You download files and then create a installable zip. It will install as any other extension on Joomla

- How to zip for Joomla install? Creating language packs for extensions in Joomla 2.5 - Joomla! Documentation - http://docs.joomla.org/Creating_language_packs_for_extensions_in_Joomla_2.5

=> Option B- The old way: Extension developer download all files, zip and releases them. Manually updating.
- Everyone know this doesn't work!

=> Option C- The new way: Extension developer install cTransifex Joomla extension to automatically create and release the translations pack. SeclodCCk developer has already skyped me about this and he wants to create a release page. Hope this will be option he chooses!

=> Option D- Some local Joomla community does the option C instead of the extension developer!
- Thats what my Portuguese Joomla community is implementing for all free extensions on Trabnsifex (actually more than 200 on his way).And know what you was expecting... For Seblod you can take a "Beta" look at our language packs release system and download zip to install at http://www.joomlapt.com/index.php?option=com_ctransifex&view=project&id=30&Itemid=340
Note: not all languages available as we will focus on Portuguese and Spanish languages (server load, space for all languages and extensions and so on!)

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Downloading Languages Pack from your site joomlapt.com I have some issues:

1 - Now there are a lot of double / triple / quadruple languages pack, Why ?!?

2 - On my Joomla I'm working with Akeeba Backup component.
- The "Extensions installation enhanced by Akeeba Backup" feature is enabled.
- So, when I start an update/install of Akeeba Backup / Akeeba Admin Tool / Template Creator CK / Seblod etc. etc. components from the "Upload & Install Joomla Extension", the Akeeba Backup create a new System Restore Point: it will backup only the files that are modified with the update.
- Usually when I install (update) languages files Akeeba Backup avoid that (I think this is the right way). But not when I update and install your Seblod languages pack files.
- I asked to akeeba, Why Akeeba Backup works differently with Seblod language file respect the others Components language files ?
the answer has been: It depends on the package type, as defined by the developer in the manifest XML inside the package. If they have set it up as a "package" or "files" extensions (instead of the proper type "language") SRP is triggered.
Please, Can you take a look and let us know ? :)

Many Thanks for your help

When will we see the special page for the translation and transifex? :)
10 years ago
Level 2
Duplicated language files solved... with a a cleanup on the server!
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi horus68, 
sorry, but as far as I see right now, duplicated language files are again there...
Please, Can you check and let us know ?  
10 years ago
Level 4
Server cleaned. No clue on the cause of the error but its just a visual error: if many language entries for the same language it only points to on zip download!

Also changed the name tag for akeeba issues
10 years ago
Level 2
2- On the Akeeba issues:
I'm not the developer for the Ctransifex extension where the type package is stated as "file" and not "language" .
The extension is developed by Compojoom : see Dev forum - https://compojoom.com/forum/ctransifex

Maybe You can find a doc with a rule on that so I can point him to that?

For core language files the Jomla docs states "language" as type.
J2.5:Making a Language Pack for Joomla - Joomla! Documentation - http://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Making_a_Language_Pack_for_Joomla

But for Extensions language packs it states "File" as type.
J2.5:Making non-core language packs - Joomla! Documentation - http://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Making_non-core_language_packs
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi horus68, 
many thanks for your infos and links.
I re-checked and tested:
1 - Infact Akeeba BackupTemplate Creator CK - Seblod: all are as -extension type="file"-
2 - sure "Template Creator CK" is a transifex package, so, maybe, the problem is not there

I'm checking again with Akeeba and I'll keep you informed about...
10 years ago
Level 4
Same goes with other lang packs from Akeeba (admin tools, backup).

On the other side I would prefer to use "language" as a type so its easier to filter when Managing installations on Joomla admin panel!
Maybe someday this will be the way! :)
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi horus68,

1 - I had an answer from Akeeba Backup support, please, can you have a look on it and see if the issue can be fixed ?

2 - Then, it's really strange how is packed the Seblod .zip file. Please, Why into the Seblod language .zip files we have:

a - Seblod-it-IT.xml
b - admin folder
c - it-IT.SeblodCCK.zip
---- d - SeblodCCK-it-IT.xml
---- e - admin folder
---- f -  frontend folder

instead to be simply:

a - Seblod-it-IT.xml
b - admin folder
c - frontend folder


3 - I'm agree and don't understand Why The type of package is "file" type instead to be "language", I asked it on joomla forum... if you want to join
10 years ago
Level 6
Please update your files an consider only this download file for it-IT: http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck/it-IT

1- the file already has a different name form the extension. The XML shows:
<extension type="file" method="upgrade" version="2.5">
<name>Seblod - it-IT</name>

2- The structure on that file is:
a - Seblod-it-IT.xml
b - admin folder
c - frontend folder

3- On the "akeeba solution"
I will try do change the name element and xml file to
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7
Hi horus68,
Sure, that's my unique language link from the begin of Seblod 3.x ! :)

1 - I'm agree;

2 - Maybe the structure has been altered when there were a lot of duplicated language files on the download page;

3 - Anyway, I redownloaded, tested again, and still doesn't run as expected. I reported it on Akeeba and in their opinion: "the only solution is to name the xml file different from the element name that is inside the manifest file. Otherwise Joomla will report it as already installed, triggering the SRP"
10 years ago
Level 8
3- The name tag is the one that names the XML file name. This is automatic!
<name>Seblod-translation - it-IT</name>

Same goes for Template Creator CK - it-IT
<name>Template Creator CK - it-IT</name>

4- Akkeba uses a different tool for packing files. Their XML file is it-IT.xml but their name tag is:
<name><![CDATA[akeebabackup - it-IT]]></name>

Wondering if doing the same thing will work for cTransifex and Seblod?!!

@Bes Can you split this topic?!
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 9
Hi horus68, 
so, after a lot of tests I'm back :)

1 - In first of all go to your Joomla Manager Extension and remove any installed Seblod language Files.

2 - Then, as you can read on  my last Akeeba Backup reply my conclusion is:
"Seem that to work well with Transifex and its packager CTransifex the package must be at least of two words with space between them and no "-"..."
<name>Seblod-translation - it-IT</name>
<name>Template Creator CK - it-IT</name>
are not the same! Because of "-" !
This is the "same":
<name>Seblod translation - it-IT</name>
this last solution RUN, as you can read I don't know Why.
Please, Can you confirm and change the Seblod language files ?

3 - Nicholas opinion is that we forgot to add client="site" in the XML manifest's header, but I tested with it and doesn't run.

And, because also in "Template Creator CK" package is missed, I think this issue + the question why the package run with two words "Seblod translation" and not with one "Seblod" would be two very good issues to post in CTransifex !
In my opinion I consider my Solution as a "temporary" / "not final" solution...
10 years ago
Level 10
Changed the name tag for akeeba issues. Please confirm
New name tag
<name>Seblod Translation - it-IT</name>

Note this do not look an ok solution as now the zip is created with a space on the name. But ... :)
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 11
Hi horus68, 

Many Thanks. Yes, I confirm you that files as named now are working well with Akeeba Backup. Really don't know why, but I confirm you that simply "Seem that to work well with Transifex and its packager CTransifex the package must be at least of two words with space between them and no "-"...".
Infact also naming the package as <name>Seblod CCK - it-IT</name> should work.

I'm too curious, so, please, let me know when you have back any news from CTransifex about this issue and the "add client="site" in the XML manifest's header" suggested from Nicholas (I tested it without success).

I updated also the issue tracker I opened for this.
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