11 years ago

Translations for SEBLOD CCK version 3 are available to translate online using Transifex. You can translate online with your team. All translators can also download translated files for any language.
See part I and II on our guide here: http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/languages-translations/seblod-cck-version-3-translations

- The question is how to create a zip with translation files for your language and install them on SeblodCCK? This is not ready yet on the extension developers site, but there is some way to do it!

This is where our part III on the "translation guide" can be useful:

Point 3 - How to install:

=> Option A- The lonely users way: You download files and then create a installable zip. It will install as any other extension on Joomla

- How to zip for Joomla install? Creating language packs for extensions in Joomla 2.5 - Joomla! Documentation - http://docs.joomla.org/Creating_language_packs_for_extensions_in_Joomla_2.5

=> Option B- The old way: Extension developer download all files, zip and releases them. Manually updating.
- Everyone know this doesn't work!

=> Option C- The new way: Extension developer install cTransifex Joomla extension to automatically create and release the translations pack. SeclodCCk developer has already skyped me about this and he wants to create a release page. Hope this will be option he chooses!

=> Option D- The local community way. Some local Joomla community does the option C instead of the extension developer!
- Thats what my Portuguese Joomla community is implementing for all free extensions on Trabnsifex (actually more than 200 on his way).

Point 4 - Language auto-packed and ready to download

And know... this is what you was expecting after reading all that stuff...

Note: those packs are auto-updated from the Transifex project

Get a Book for SEBLOD
548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi horus68, 

Many Thanks :)

11 years ago
Level 2

- Link revised to the new download site http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck

(now with all languages, same as other extensions!)

-  On the second issue. I don't understand what you mean with that. Seblod do not translate files from en-GB, the files are translated by volunteers, the same way Joomla.org do.
The en-GB code is the default language files when you install Seblod (as Joomla and all other extensions).

So, if you want to use another flavor of English you need to translate the files into those language code. This is the same way that Joomla do: each language code has its own team that translate files into it!

To do that on Seblod you need to ask for a team to the language code you want here: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK/

Then translate (to make it easier you can upload the en-GB files into your language code team and work from there).

In a day or two the new language code will be available to download!

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi horus68, 

sorry for my bad explanation. What I meant was simply that I don't understand why all extensions are released in English, but for many of them also an "English United Kingdom en_GB" file language is released, for the rest no (like Seblod). 

Why ?!?

11 years ago
Level 4

For Joomla v3 (some also apply to v2.5)

1- EN-GB is required as default by Joomla install. Language files are installed in en-GB folders (site and admin). Each additional language code needs to be installed in separated (and should allays be with front and admin files).

2- All extensions need to have a en-GB translation. Seblod also installs as en-GB in the Joomla en-GB folders.

3- Extensions install packs should only provide en-GB language files when you install the extension. If they included other languages then you will install languages that you can't use in Joomla because you don't have that language installed for joomla frontend or admin: its a waste of space and a source for future issues (backup, folder permissions and so on).

4- Extensions languages packs should allays be as separated language install packs (by lang code). Some developers bundle it all to save time but its a bad practice!

5- To use an extension with another language (say Seblod in pt-PT) you need to install the pt-PT joomla core language.

6- Note: If a string in one language is not present or translated, Joomla is able to default to the en-GB translation instead of an error (or the string code part). Note: not all extensions are well coded for this!
548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Many Thanks for explanation :)

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi horus68, 

following your guide and source I downloaded  Seblod language files and then installed them in Joomla without any problem.

Now, I'm a little bit confused on "what they are" and "How to work" with languages and want ask you help/confirms:

  • Joomla by default work with en-GB languge. Going into "Language Manager" I can change Site default language and Admin default language. But: How to work with Multisite? How to have for example: MainSite.com/administrator en-GB - MainSite.com de-DE // Site1.net/administrator es-ES - Site1.net es-Es // Site2.org/administrator it-IT - Site2.org it-IT ?!?
  • As I wrote in this topic, creating a Standard "Site1.net" using Seblod Multisite feature, into the Site1.net creation page I have to select the "Language" field, but also if I yet installed the Seblod language files I have only the option to select en-GB instead of default.

Again, if I set for example my MainSite.com/administrator es-ES - MainSite.com de-DE and go to edit the Seblod "User" form the fields are in ES but the content is still in English. So I look for an answer and I suppose all depend on "Language Manager - Content", if so, the questions are:

  • understand the theory, How have to work languages in Seblod's thought? 
  • And then, most important, How to do it exactly ?!? The only instructions I can find are into this page in the old Documentation, but I don't know if it is the right answer to my issue and, really, I don't understand what does it mean...
Many Thanks for Support and Help!

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi horus68,

i contributed for italian translation but i can't see the download package on the link: http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck

Best Regards,


11 years ago
Level 2

i have the same issu with German Language Packs i am now Downloading the Whole Transiflex Project and will Offer current language packs for download on a other site ^^

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi DirektSPEED,

thank you and let me know where to download.



11 years ago
Level 4


Here you can Download the Language Packs they get just created simply look on that url the files will be there today and i keep that link online For Others that need Language Packs so you can Share it 

11 years ago
Level 4

http://dspeed.de/lang/joomla-seblod-cck-v3-1-5-languagepacks/download/it-IT.html <- here is a direct link to your Italian Language Pack have fun

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Thank you so much ;)



11 years ago
Level 3

A- There is no need to create another transifex project because a project is more then a project: its translators teams!Please remove your duplicated project or join the already created!

If Seblod developers want we can include new administrators on the tranisfex project as I already proposed before!

B- You can create another download page from the same transifex project and host it on your server with Ctransifex as you did at http://dspeed.de/lang/joomla-seblod-cck-v3-1-5-languagepacks.html

You just need to place the project slug on your Ctransifex page and it will do the rest. I can even share the config file if you want!

No issue on that! :)

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi horus68,

any news about italian language in your download page?



11 years ago
Level 5

Sorry no News we Work on a Complet Release Cycle Should be ready middel of next month then all will be fusionated with the SEBLOD Community Edition GitHUB Project wich aim is to have a SEBLOD Compatible Then we use that as Transiflex Project and then we Start on The First SEBLOD Comunity Edition with Language Files.

11 years ago
Level 6

I don't understand the reason to have a NEW transifex project!

Your is: SEBLOD CCK v3.1 Languagepacks - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/seblod-cck-v31-languagepacks/

Hope you know what to do with the already created - https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/SeblodCCK

(language files, language teams, coordinators and so on should be ported to the new one)

Also please read this my tutorials for creating a project on transifex:

Creating a Project: Do's and Don'ts - Keep Calm and Translate Joomla - https://sites.google.com/site/transjoomla/transifex-for-developers/creating-project-dos-donts

11 years ago
Level 5

Hi, There is some error on our download server that prevented downloading from transifex.

I was on summer vacations and also from my marriage :) so I first need to find the issue. Our server is managed by our local portuguese community and this can cause some delays on solution for September when all users get back from summer holidays. 

Hope this get fixed soon.

85 Posts
11 years ago
Level 6

Hi horus68,

thanks and congratulations on your marriage ;)



548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi horus68,

about your languages auto-packs release system http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck to download the zip to install,

Is it updated ?

Most of the languages that are shown as 100% on Transiflex are still on 80/90%...

Please, Where is it possible download the Seblod Languages installable zip packs ? 

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


this is the place to download packs, I will notify admins to update them.

248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

The language packs that are downloadable there are unfortunately outdated. I downloaded the Italian version that was last updated in May 2015, so more than a year without updates.

I joined the transiflex group and contributed to Italian translation some weeks ago, since I found also some translation error and there are strings that must be still translated even if the progress is shown to be 100% (maybe also other languages progress is not represented correctly).

Klas, can you notify the Transiflex admins to check this situation?



4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

As I wrote, I will notify them :)

248 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Thanks :) !

548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Hi Klas, 

seem that nothing is changed, so, Please, Do you have any news about this upgrade ?

8 years ago
Level 2

You can download language packs updated today form


Seblod version 3.9.1 (12 September 2016)

Note: if you want to use Transifex Client see the updated config file here


548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Thank you very much Paulo

8 years ago
Level 1


i have completed the GERMAN Translation for SEBLOD 3.9.0. So it is READY TO USE on Transifex. Can this be updated on http://translations.joomlapt.com/languagepacks/seblodcck/de-DE

Many thanks :)

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

updated language packs should be available this week from a new location - seblod.com. We will notify you when that happens.

548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, 

...waiting news, thank you very much for support !

8 years ago
Level 1

Moving translations to the Seblod site is an excellent news, already asked for so long by me to Seblod devs.

On the updates from Joomlapt.com 

Sorry for the inconveniences but our server is not updated for some time. Our community is in the middle of a big change, including servers ownership but not ready yet for public release.

Note: you can download translations at any time directly from Transifex, just need to use the TX client. Not an easy tool but works perfectly.


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