42 Posts
11 years ago

Ahoy together!

After getting some great help with my problem here  I think it's just fair to provide feedback about my further experiences.

This is NOT to complain about something. I really just want to point out on some things that either dont' work correctly yet or that have been misunderstood - by me.

Okay, current situation is:

  • Joomla!
    • Version: 2.5.11
    • Domain: http://seblod.j25.domain13.de/en/
    • SEO Settings:
      • Search Engine Friendly URLs: yes
      • Use URL rewriting: yes
      • htaccess.txt renamed to .htacces: yes
      • Adds Suffix to URL: yes
      • Unicode Aliases: no
      • Include Site Name in Page Titles: no
    • Remark: plain but complete(!) example data in german and(!) english, all menu options linked to their pendant in the other language.
    • Remark: has in top menu 4 additional options:
  • Seblod
    • Version: 3.1.4
    • number of defined multisites: 2
    • multisite 1 - Settings:
    • multisite 2 - Settings:
      • Template: - Use Default -

Hard do give it more detailed, hm? ;-)

Okay,  now just some experiences:

1. Main site (http://seblod.j25.domain13.de/) in german. Clicking on "OBSTLADEN (MS1)" in top menu brings me to a German version of the fruitshop as expected. But when I look at the URL is says "http://ms1.j25.domain13.de/en/willkommen.html". I have no clue why this german page referred from another German page should now be English ... Bug or feature?

2. more or less just a hint for others who maybe got surprised by a simple little truth as it happened to me: If you chose a language depending menu option as home page for a multisite, you just HAVE TO chose THE EXACTLY SAME language for this multisite. No "use default" or anything else - nothing but exactly the same language (which makes absolutely sense, I think, but its pesky to get reminded by an error 404 if you forgot to set it up correctly)

3. Having opened one of the multisites you cant change language any more - it always brings yuo to an error 404. when openeing the same articels in normal Joomla!-menu, it works correcty. I don't think this is a feature, hm? Maybe I did forget something? 

So far for now. More when I have played more with it, okay? 

... and just to reapeat: neither offence nor complaint intended. Just feedback to help you guys to get this wonderfull thing better. :-)

Kind regards,

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