52 Posts
10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I built a site with two languages, Turkish and English. Default language is Turkish. Everything works fine but when I want to edit an article in front end, edit page (article site form) opens in English and the rest of the page turns into Enghlish as well. When I submit or cancel the form the page goes to Turkish again.

Multi-language is on in seblod options and I have got override.ini files for field labels in both languages.

I need to edit articles in Turkish, how can I achieve that?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Is the menu link for this set to ALL or ENGLISH ?
This normally determines what gets loaded.

You might have to duplicate the link and force the edit url to be language specific.
52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello everybody,

Once again I am having the same problem on another website. 

Menu link and content languages are TR (Turkish) but when I want to edit the content, site form opens in English. The strange thing is that the language parameter in the Joomla article edit link is "tr" but when click the link form opens in English and language parameter in browser address bar also English.

I use language restriction plugin to show language specific fields in my form so this situation ruins my site.

I need urgent help.

Thank you.

52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi again,

When I deleted cookies from my browser, the problem disappeared. Everything is normal now. It is probably a Joomla bug.
52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi everybody,

The problem is still here. I have to delete cookies once a day at least to be able to use my site.

I think the problem is that Seblod uses its own session cookie to determine the language instead of Joomla's session cookie and for some reason they may not be the same language sometimes .
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi melihtas,

Do you get the same results if you delete your joomla cache under System>Clear Cache?

Do you have any cache plugins enabled?  If so, try disabling them.



52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Randy,

Thanks for your reply. 

I don't use any cache plugin and Joomla cache is disabled.

The last time I had the problem, I checked the cookies with a Chrome browser add-on (Edit ThisCookie). I found 4 cookies with language parameter inside. 3 of them had tr-TR and one of them had en-GB language parameter. When I deleted all cookies for the site, problem disappeared. That is why I think cookies cause the problem.

Thank you.

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