If some of you is using multilanguage features from Seblod so instead of cloning articles in the Joomla core way, you are creating one article for all language with language set to "*" and then use JText, restrictions and so on to translate fields or show only fields in current language, you know that you are loosing the hreflang tag in the head of your content pages, since Joomla language filter plugin cannot build them since it does not find article assocations among languages and since the Seblod router is different than Joomla one.
For this purpose I wrote a small php code that does that: in the single Seblod article view, it adds the hreflang in all languages and the xdefault one. You can just put it in a custom module using some plugin that allows you to put php code in a module, like the well-known Sourcerer. Or you can put it in a system plugin for a more elegant way.
Here it is for who is interested (the first and last line is needed to put php code using Sourcerer).
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$myInput = $app->input;
$languages = JLanguage::getKnownLanguages();
// if current page is a single joomla article
view and site is multilanguage
if ($myInput->get('option') ==
"com_content" && $myInput->get('view') ==
"article" && count($languages) > 1)
$ids =
$article_id = $ids[0];
$article =
$art_id =
// if the article is stored as multilang
=> go on
== "*")
// get raw URL of current menu
$Itemid = $myInput->get('Itemid');
$menuUrl =
// if current page is under a Seblod
list => we are in the right case, go!
"index.php?option=com_cck&view=list") != false)
$server =
JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
$defLang =
// retrieve menu item associations
$assoc =
foreach ($languages as $i =>
$newUrl =
JRoute::_("index.php?Itemid=" . $assoc[$i] .
"&view=article&id=" . $article_id . "&lang=" .
$doc->addHeadLink($server .
$newUrl, 'alternate', 'rel', array('hreflang' => $i));
// if it’s also default lang
=> set it (addHeadLink is limited to 1 URI per tag)
if($i == $defLang)
href="' . $server . $newUrl . '" rel="alternate"
hreflang="x-default" />');