19 Posts
7 years ago

Env: German website with J3.7.2, SEBLOD 3.11.2

Want to change the items in the country field from EN to DE. I updated the language pack as of today available at


The field user_country looks like this:

Tried to add ",DE" in attribute "language-codes", but this results in an error "unknown error code in code_en". Additionally I saw, that the table


has no column like name_de. So I will have to install something in addition.

I found an sql script at


=> hint: the count of items is 246, being correct also for actual version 3.11.2, but created for version 3.8.4

Is this the recommended way to add new languages or is there a package for this available?

One more question,whenever this is done: May I then add ",DE" to the attribute "language_codes"?

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19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

just to add another link. The actual file countries.sql can be obtained from github directly:


The last update of the file was dated at 16.July 2016.

But I still wonder, if this is the recommended way.

19 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

ok, i don't want to wait for an answer anymore. Perhaps there is no 'installation' way. Especially, since this script is part of the component already and maybe  is ignored, if You just upgraded from an older version of seblod.

I did it with phpMyAdmin and it works as expected.

Hint: Don't use the link from google drive, since there is a small syntax error at item 20. Stick to github.

Last hint: You must change the name of the table in the script (twice) by adding the prefix of your joomla db, ie replace `#__cck_more_countries` with something like `9q5sv_cck_more_countries` .

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